20 Facts About Me! (Actually 40 but..)

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Well, I've been nominated by @ForeverMoonlight and @SaleenaAftab I can't say I'm sad, in fact I'd say the opposite! I've been wondering if I'll ever be it.

Yes, I'm very late (>w<) this should've been a month ago. But I just couldn't decide what to put. Since I've been nominated twice, a friend of mine informed me to write 40 facts. I'll write the other 20 next time.

Hehehe, here you have it! 20 Facts About me!

1) I'm Asian and proud :3 and no, I don't always drink tea. Yes, I eat rice. No, I don't have chinky eyes. Yes, we don't consider it a real meal unless you eat it with rice.

2) I love badminton. (I have a phobia of big balls... So I'm not fond of basketball and soccer and such. But I do know how to play them well :3)

3) I used to sing... I quit, though.

4) My favourite colours are striking red, shades blue, baby pink, black and white!

5) Nightels, my account name, is a mix of Night (my old fake name) and Nutella :3

6) I LOVE to dance. I'm not sure if I'm good at it, but I have been to big things through it >w<

7) I'm good at art. Maybe not an expert, but good enough. If you like to see some of my works, I have an art book.

8) I have disorders, but they aren't really noticeable to anyone but me (._. )

9) I have a habit of talking to myself when I feel stressed or emotional.

10) I bite anything when I'm nervous, which is about half the time XD whether it's close friends or strangers, I'm still nervous! Which is why I usually have ball pens or I buy ice cream pops to chew on their sticks just so I won't suck my thumb >.<

11) I don't like gum very much >w< ... Which is why I don't chew on on Fact 10.

12) I don't eat hamburgers ._. I just don't. Sometimes I eat burger steaks or patties though.

13) I'm not a fan of spaghetti >.< I seldom eat Pasta, but spaghetti? Not really..

14) I'm the youngest of 4 children. One boy, three girls (including me).

15) I dream to become a traveller someday, buying things from other countries and selling them at mine :3 or maybe a Nurse working abroad, or a flight stewardess. Then again, a owner of a cute cafe is nice too... I'm too young to think of these things yet.

16) I prefer to write in UK English than US English. So to those who thought I was from Europe or Britain or something, I'm not. But I do love that place :3 (and the personification in Hetalia! Arthur Kirkland ~<3)

17) I like my fruits cold(?) I guess.. (Running out of facts that aren't too personal >.<)

18) I absolutely LOVE Pokemon (obvious enough? This book wouldn't have existed)

19) I believe in things like spirits and horoscopes. Also mild fantasy-like things.

20) Somehow, I give up deep words .-. Not only in real life, but even people here in Wattpad asks for any inspiration, emotional, or relating words.... But I have no idea how .-. I just talk..


That's it for the 20! Next 20 will be next time :3 until I think of more...

And for this I nominate some dear new readers openly to this book! Thank you so much for voting (if you've read the book before, still, welcome and thanks). @Luminescence22 @mlpwarriorcat @Katara_Rose @PokeNova @Emerald_Wolf

If you've already been nominated, my sorry! but it guess another 20 if you want ^_^" ...

I also nominate Varon13 (Dusk, I'm not nominating you even if you helped :P ) for being a amazing friend while I was gone. Thanks!

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