25 Things You DON'T Need To Know

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1- A rubber band lasts longer when refrigerated

2- The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night

3- Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants

4- A snail can sleep for 3 years

5- An American Airlines were able to save $40,000 after removing one olive from each first class salad

6- There are more chickens than humans in the world

7- An average chocolate bar can contain 6 insect legs

8- Peanut butter is an ingredient to dynamite

9- A polar bears skin in black. And the fur isn't white, but actually clear

10- An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain

11- Goldfishes only has a memory span of 3 seconds

12- Shakespeare invented the words "Assassination" and "Bump"

13- Right handed people usually live longer than left handed people

14- Almonds are a member if the peach family

15- A cat has 32 muscles near it's ear

16- A cockroach can live without it's head, It only dies from starvation

17- The electric chair was invented by the dentist

18- The Earth, estimated by 2060, there'll be colonies made under water

19- By recycling ONE plastic bottle, the amount has enough to light a 100 watt bulb for FOUR hours (see why you should recycle? Please! It's just ONE bottle! Think of the people who can't even afford A CANDLE for light! You can STILL put water in that plastic bottle. Juice. Soda. I don't know! Anything!)

20- If you name your cat with the last part sounding like "ee" it'll respond more straight and obedient. (Like KittY, LadY, BrEE, DanIE)

21- Cats respond better to women than to men

22- Cats must have FATS in their diets (food) because they can't produce it on their own

23- Hugging for 20 seconds releases Oxytocin making someone trust you more and relax more

24- No man has been completely serious. Of they do, and for a long time, they would go mad and never be serious again.

25- This was originally supposed to be 50 useless facts but the writer can't think of more after an hour of searching

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