Short "X Reader" story ;)

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Hey! I decided on a short (awesome) x reader story! Hope you like it ;) kekeke give Nightels some feed back in the end too nya~


You decided to buy some groceries one day when you passed the fruit section. Different varieties of fruits lined up the two counter and you scanned through everything that's when..

You saw it.

A bright red apple.

It was beautiful in your eyes, a luscious green leaf hanged from its pure brown wood sticking out of its juicy flesh. You were amazed, frozen to the floor. A sudden wave of nervousness and excitement washed through you. You ran over to the apple and gently touched it's brilliant red skin.

"Apple.." You muttered before gently placing it on your food basket and taking it with you to the Cheshire to pay. After, you were walking home and you couldn't take your eyes off the fruit. It was just so beautiful.

When you reached home, you placed the apple on the counter as you fixed your groceries in the fridge. You heard a sound behind you and saw your Dad picking on your precious apple.

"Why did you buy only one Apple? You could've bought a dozen instead." He states, you shook your head, crossing your arms. "You won't understand, Dad." Then you walked away with Apple on one hand.

It had been almost a day and you had been taking care of Apple-San (yes, Apple-San, you called it that) and it was beginning to lose its shine, either ways you still loved it. Till the end and till it shall'd rot, for death cannot do us apart.

It was another night as you stared at Apple-San when your Mother began to worry. "(Y/n) if you won't take that, you can give it to me. It would rot soon."

"Oh, whatever for, Mother?" You ask, not leaving your eyes off your precious.

"To eat of course, it would be a shame to get it to waste if it rots." She replies.

"Mother... You cannot simply understand." You sighed, a calm smile plastered on your exterior "I love Apple-San.."

Apple-San and you then ended with a sad ending when your friend walked in yelling out your name before chewing on your darling...


Kekeke well, how did you like it? ^^ got bored, m'kay? Don't blame me!

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