Pokémon S.E.C.R.E.T.S MEP

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Watch the video above! Please! It's my MOST favorite fan vid of Pokemon! It's an absolutely must watch and it took awhile to find it again.

The video actually means about hiding pain behind smiles, it shows that our Heroes and Heroines (despite being fictional) have pain too. It's so touching and every word and picture makes me squeal with feels!

Each character above, if you could remember all their stories you could remember the times they are so frustrated- like Kotone/Lyra/Soul being hurt by being called a replacement of original Crystal or Marina, or Yellow from the manga being called weak since she is weaker than her juniors.

Then there's people like Marge and Mistumi, yeah, they all got out here. It's so amazeeen!

Please watch if you can >.< it's so touching!

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