Chat Room XD

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Chat Room XD

Sarah: hey guys! I read a lot of chats today so I was itching to have a chat too XD just this once unless you want more. So today's guest would be... THE ANIME CHARACTERS!!!

From the one and only Pokemon of course ;)

*uses magic author powers and makes the characters appear*

Ash: wait a sec. where are we?

Serena: I don't know, one minute we were battling Team Flare and the other were in this... Room filled with white?

Sarah: it's a page you idiot -___-

Clemot: But I don't understand. If we are technically in a 'page' wouldn't we be in someone's writing?

Sarah: (^w^) yup, exactly! I'm writing you right now

Bonnie: woah...

Serena: O.o

Clemot: O.o

Ash: uh.... I still don't get it (^__^")

Sarah: -_- never mind, let's just say were here to chat for the readers interest then I'll send you all back to your dimension.

Ash: okay ^.^

Sarah: don't you find it a little weird to be in a different dimension. *raises eyebrow*

Ash: not really, we've been in that journey with Palkia and Dialga in Alamos Town then there's another thing with Giratina who dragged us to the Distortion World. Do you really think it's weird for a bunch of kids who never ages, fights with alien Pokémon, and practically saved the world a dozen times?

Sarah: never mind =___=

Misty: you forgot about us!

Ash: M-Misty O.o

May: I'm here too...

Dawn: Same.

Misty: so who's this girl? *glares at Serena*

Serena: Hi! I'm Serena! I believe this is the first time we met!

May: funny, Ash never mentioned you to us *glares at Ash*

Dawn: Nor this Ash told me about you, Misty *glares at Ash*

Ash: (0_0;;)


Clemot: what is this "shipping"?

Sarah: nothing, guys won't understand ^___^

Bonnie: *whispers* psst Sarah, if you do have magic author powers, can you get us some psst psssst pst pssst.

Sarah: *eyes lit up* SURE!!! *uses magic author powers as Ice cream falls out of the sky and Nyan Cat appears*

Nyan Cat: nya nya nya nya nya nya

Ash: *covers ears* ARG!! MY EARS!!!

Sarah: *bowl magically appears on hand and gets ice cream from ze sky* I SCREAM FOR ICE-CREAM *sings the Nyan Cat song*

Bonnie: *joins Sarah in eating icecream while singing the Nyan Cat theme song*

All girls except Sarah and Bonnie: *turns pale and faints*


Clemot: I don't think rainbows comes out from cats that are made out of strawberry poptarts O.o

Sarah: in real life, I'm eating cookies n' cream ice cream. MY FAVORITE .

Bonnie: YESSHHHHHH!!!!

Sarah: okay since I'm enjoying this chat, I think I'll make some more in the future ;) but from now on, Bonnie would be with me in all chapters ^3^

((I'm not usually this crazy, but I'm in a really good mood so I decided to waste it on making a utterly useless chapter using utterly useless things))

See ya!

-out of utter boredom, Night Scarlett

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