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Merry Christmas!~ I have a new profile pic (actually, it has been for a week now) and I drew a little hat on her too~

Anyway, off to the F of P-FACT

Nightels: Anyway, this is a surprising fact for me. Pikachu is the 3rd most recognisable animated (or cartooned whatever) character in the world. 2nd is Mickey Mouse and 1st is Mario from Mario Bro's or Mario Party and such.

Manga Red: Hear that, Pika? Your 3rd famous!

Game Red: . . . *watches his Pikachu*

Ash: We'll, I find that unbelievable too ^_^" Pikachu was the most stubborn mouse I ever me-

Anime Pikachu: *uses thunderbolt*

Ash: GAAAHHH *electrified*

Nightels: hmm.. Burnt to a crisp, perfect cooking skills you have there, Pikachu. Anyway, next fact, and oh yeah, every once in awhile, I would invite a few characters to join us ^__^ so we can chat at the same time explain facts, that way it won't be boring. Maybe sometimes I would invite a few Oc's so keep your eyes open.

Manga Red: Anyway, did you know that Psychic type is based off the mind; the minds common fears are the weakness if psychic type. Dark types, ghost types and bug types?

Nightels: Hm.. I specialise In Psychic, Dark, and Ghost. Sometimes fire, water and flying but this is interesting. . .

Ash: What about Bug? *holds out a Scolipede he brought from his Unova journey*

Nightels: *Freaks out* Um.. Uh.. A-Ash, kindly put t-that aw-wa-

Ash: *shoves it closer*

Nightels: *takes out moon Pokémon* Espeon, psychic! *Throws Scolipede away*

Ash: ;-; I like that Pokémon... *sighs* anyway, the Pokémon, Voltorb is said to be a Pokéballs possessed by a Ghastly or Gengar.

Game Red: ... Well it does have its eyes..

Manga Red: Ooo~ Story! This could also be a legend of Voltorb, there was once a wild Pokémon and a Trainer, the Trainer wanted to catch the Pokémon so he threw a Pokéballs at it and it got caught. But the trainer couldn't find the Pokéballs anymore. . . That's when, he realised...

Nightels, Ash, Red: *leans in*


Ash: *(girly) scream*

Game Red: okay...

Nightels: *drinks tea* Creepy. . .

Manga Red: then the Pokémon inside the ball stayed there forever.. And ever... And ever... That's why, you can so etimes find Pokéballs laying around when you play the game.

Game Red: it was never haunted or possessed though, they usually have potions and antidotes in them.

Fire: W-wait, REALLY?!?! Oh Arceus..

Nightels: Does this also lead to the possibility why there are potions in the Pokéballs you'll see in the game? I mean, if the Pokémon is holding something, then it just dies without getting possessed, the item is left inside.

Manga Red: Hm.. Maybe, nice superstition though.

Nightels: Well, that's it for today! To some people, friends, followers, followings, sometimes I might invite you to one of these chats if your happy enough :) I'll be asking a few of you in PM, describe your personality, and one Pokémon only. You can join a P-FACT CHAT!!!

Well, Merry Christmas! And a Happy Holidays!

P.S: Sorry for the grammatical errors, my keyboard is UK English, not US English.

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