♡Chapter 34♡

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NOTE: Hey guise(: One more day until the New Years special!!! Exciting I know(: Haha I am not sure how long this fan fiction will be for, maybe I will stop it at around 35 and make a sequel but it would be perfected because then it’s starting in the new year. I’m not sure, so you guise should give me your opinion! Please tell me if you want me to end this fan fiction after the New Years special or if you would like me to carry on. I hope you enjoy this chapter(:


♡Chapter 34♡

Niall’s POV:

I walked into our dark suite. Why are the lights off? Alaina should be here… I noticed a candle light coming from our bedroom and grinned. I walked in and found Alaina sitting on the bed. I laid down beside her “Why aren’t the lights on love?” She rolled her eyes at me “I’m obviously being romantic.” I laughed “Yes, very romantic, you were amazing tonight by the way.” I said kissing her hand. “And I hope this is amazing to you as well.” She grinned and started kissing me. God she really makes it hard for me. I want her so bad. She was straddling my waist and running her fingers through my blonde hair. I put my hands on her hips, rubbing circles with my thumbs. She bit my lip causing a moan to slip out of my mouth. She sneakily slipped her tongue into my mouth and explored it. I grabbed harder onto her hips and she started playing with the hem off my shirt. She took off my shirt and tossed it aside and began kissing again. She ran her hands down my chest to my stomach. It made goosebumps appear all over my skin.

She took my hand, still kissing me, and ran it up her shirt. I took off her shirt and tossed it next to mine. She took my hand farther and placed it on the back of her bra. I broke from her. “Not now.”


Alaina’s POV:

Niall stopped kissing me all of the sudden and then spoke “Not now.” I groaned and got off of him. He sighed “I want you, really I do. I just want it to be special alright?” I put my head in my pillow. “Good night Niall.” I mumbled. He sighed again “Night my princess.” He kissed my head, and I went to sleep sexually frustrated for the third time.

I woke up to the blinding lights coming through our window. Today we have another concert. I’m really excited for this, its the last concert of 2012! I rolled over and saw it was 9 on the clock. I got out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror. Dear lord I need a shower. I went into our bathroom and hopped in the shower, turning on Ed Sheeran. I started singing along with him, quiet loudly as well, because Niall started pounding on the door telling me to shut up. I laughed and hopped out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around my body and my head. I strutted out of the bathroom. The towel was quiet short, and ending just before the curve of my bum. Niall’s eyes popped out of his head practically but he composed himself and went back to his laptop. I rolled my eyes. God, why won’t he just have sex with me!! I rummaged through my things and found an outfit suitable enough. I blow dried my hair straight and did some makeup. I looked suitable for roaming New York.:

(On the left of the side image)

I walked back over to Niall and pushed him off the bed. “Hey!” He shouted, but he was still grinning at me. I smirked “I wanna go shopping today, get dressed.” He got up and started changing into some clothes, he quickly put his hair in his messy quiff and we headed out the door.


We walked into the suite carrying loads of bags. I really went over board on Bath and Body Works candles….. It was about 5 and we had to drop off our bags and head straight to the venue. We threw them all on the bed and ran straight back down to the lobby to get in the van. Louis wiggled is eyebrows at me “You and Horan have fun last night?” I rolled my eyes and started whispering to him “I tired, he said no.” He gasped and started babbling like a high school girl to Harry. I laughed and got inside the van.

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