♡Chapter 44♡

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NOTE: Hey guise(: I’m back yo! Haha how’s everything going? Excited for the chapter? I have some bad news for you guys): I probably wont be able to update friday cause I have a hair appt late that night and I wont get home till late either): I know): You may say “But I will be up!” But Im saying that I still have my cold and I am colouring my hair that night so the appt will be longggggg. But I will definitely update on the weekend as much as possible guise! I love you!! Hope you enjoy the chapter(:


♡Chapter 44♡

Niall’s POV:

I looked over at Alaina and saw her become very pale. He body became limp and began to fall. I caught her protectively in my arms and started to panic. I picked her up fully bridal style and dashed to the cab. “We need to go to the hospital.” I said calmly. He looked back and nodded quickly. We started speeding to the nearest hospital. I nearly jumped out of the car with her when we got there, desperate to get her help. I sprinted inside and came to the receptionist. “We need a doctor!” She nodded quickly and started summoning people for us. They came quickly and put her on a roll away bed. They started rolling her, and I took her hand following her. Tears of fear were rolling down my cheeks. Soon we got to the doors and they wouldn’t let me in any further. I slammed my back agains the wall, sliding down to the floor and burying my head in my hands. I began to pray for her. My love, my girl, my princess. 

After about an hour, the boys heard about the incident. I was in too much shock to call them and notify them myself. They came hurriedly over to me and tried to comfort me. But all failed. The only thing that caught my attention was the doctor. “Only one visitor right now.” The all agreed I was worthy of being the visitor. I followed the doctor down the sterile, white halls. We came upon a door that looked like all the rest, that had the name Falcon beside it. We walked in to find a conscious Alaina. I bolted over and kissed her on the forehead. I sat beside her and took her hand “Are you okay?” She smiled weakly “I’m fine Niall.” She didn’t sound so sure. The doctor began to speak, “We believe it is a cause of the concussion that Caroline gave her. She just needs to go to bed early and not too much jumping around on stage.” I nodded, this didn’t seem too bad. “But when we were checking over her, we noticed something. She has a baby inside. But the baby is not alive.” I froze. Everything started running back through my head. We used a condom. She has birth control. The doctor seemed to know what I was thinking “Birth control sometimes does not work, and a condom can easily break.” I kept rolling through every emotion. fear, worry, sadness, regret, sorrow. “Alaina, I’m so sorry I did this to you baby.” I looked deep into her green eyes. She shook her head “It wasn’t in your control Niall.” 

The doctor went on about precautions we should take about Alaina, and that the baby has already been removed. I didn’t really listen. We almost had a child. I made Alaina pregnant. With one time. All this, is too much. So many emotions blowing through one ear and out another. My princess’s voice brought me back to present time “Niall, you need to stop being so hard on yourself. It’s okay.” I looked at her “How can you be okay through all this?” She shook her head “My emotions are still wandering on what they should be right now. I definitely will have a hard time getting over the fact that I was going to have a baby. And the day I found out was the day it died. But we have other opportunities to have a child.” I nodded, she is right. I plan on marrying this girl. I want her to be mine forever. But she doesn’t know that yet. She is saying that we have other opportunities when we get married to whom ever. “You are right, we have to think positively.” She smiled “Yes, now I think I can get out of here soon. But I will want to sleep when we get back.” I smiled “That’s alright with me princess.”

We got her dismissed from the hospital and went straight back to the hotel. Alaina fell asleep in the car and I carried her up to our suite. I laid her down on the bed and slipped her into a shirt of mine over just her underwear. I climbed in next to her and pulled her protectively against my body. “Goodnight princess.” I kissed her forehead, and drifted off to sleep.

Alaina’s POV:

I woke up fairly early in the morning. Today we had to leave for the next state. I groaned and shook Nialler awake. “Niall, we go to the next venue today.” He groaned just liked I did and I chuckled. “You’re especially cute in the morning.” He sat up “What? I’m no cute any other time?!” I laughed “You are sexy the other times.” I winked and walked towards our suit case. I started pulling out some comfortable clothes. We are going to a warm state again so I kept it up with the weather. I threw up my hair and did my makeup. In the end I looked comfortable, yet presentable.:

(A/N: Side Image)

I walk over to our room and start packing our clothes strewn everywhere. When I was finished, Niall was ready to head out as well. We grabbed out phones and ipad and laptops, and headed down to the lobby. All the boys were dressed lazily and ready to head onto the airplane. We were ushered through the back of the airport and got on the plane before anyone could see us. I smiled and sat down next to Niall. I opened my laptop and connected with the wifi the plane was giving us. I logged into twitter to look at mentions, I haven’t been on in awhile. A lot of them had heard about my miscarriage.  Some were wishing me well and being nice about it, while many were saying how much of a whore I was, and that i wasn’t pretty enough for Niall. I shut my laptop slowly and laid on top of Niall. “What’s wrong?” Niall asked. I shook my head “I am just tired.” Then I fell asleep, letting those words seep in and making me believe they are true.


NOTE: OMG GUISE. Intense chapter wouldn’t you say? Sorry if it is short for your liking, It had a lot going on so I hope that makes up for it! I will be able to post saturday, sunday, and monday of next week I’m pretty sure! I’m not sure about the rest of the week, it depends on how badly I need to study for finals and all. Oh and I might ask for some advice over the weekend about this… guy(: Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Any comments or suggestions can be sent to my ask box! Love you and thanks for reading!


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