NOTE: Hey guise(: Okay, I have finals next week tuesday, so I’m not sure how much I’ll update this weekend. I know I usually do two chapters on a saturday or sunday but I’m not completely sure if that is going to happen): I have to study my butt off for Spanish because I’m so far behind in my new school, and I need to do some stuff for my other classes as well. I’m sorry if this makes you sad cause it makes me just as sad): But my parents would kill me if I just did tumblr all weekend. Any ways! I hope you enjoy this chapter, it is a very moving chapter(s) I have planned! Love you all guise and thanks for reading(:
♡Chapter 45♡
Alaina’s POV:
I woke up feeling deflated. I didn’t want to go to our hotel. Nobody wants me here anyways. I got up slowly and grabbed my carry on, but Niall grabbed it and carried it for me. I walked out of the air plane and a ton of paps and fans were there to greet us. There were some posters for me but the bulk of the fans were One Direction fans. Some yelled at how pretty I was and that me and Niall were cute together. While others told me I was a whore, ugly, and sounded like a dying animal on stage. I tried to ignore them but the words kept swimming in my mind. We made it to the van and I sat in the back, keeping to myself. Niall sat beside me and smiled. I smiled weakly back at him and his face turned to concern. I shook my head at him and we drove off to our hotel.
When we arrived, we got our suite rooms and headed straight up there. I laid down on the king sized bed and let a tear drip from my eyes. Niall walked in and laid down beside me, pulling me close to his warm body and putting his lips to my ear. “What’s wrong princess?” I shook my head. He sighed “There is something wrong.” I let more tears spill out of my eyes and he quickly wiped them and pulled me close. “You can tell me, Alaina.” I shook my head again and walked into the bathroom, closing the door and locking it. He sighed again. I just sat against the bathroom wall and let the tears fall freely. After about 10 minutes or so of crying, Niall some how unlocked the door and came in with his face hard. “They have nothing against you Alaina, they don’t know you and they don’t know about us.” I looked up at him. “You are beautiful, you have a heart of gold and this voice that can bring a smile to any face. They are just jealous that you got your talent out and are spending your life with someone.” I just stared at him. The words still lingering in my brain. He sat down beside me and wiped my tear stained face. “Alaina, I told them to back off. And they have. You don’t need to listen to them, just listen to the people who love you. Did you see all those fans there just for you? Not for us boys, but for you. People love you so much and look up to you. They wouldn’t want to see you like this.”
Then I had an idea. Music helps me get my emotions out all the time. I stood up and grabbed Niall’s guitar. He watched me sit back down on the bathroom tile with it. I started to play a tune and began to let words swarm out of my mouth.
I can almost see it.
That dream I’m dreaming, but
There’s a voice inside my head saying
You’ll never reach it
Every step I’m takin’
Every move I make
Feels lost with no direction,
My faith is shakin’
But I, I gotta keep tryin’
Gotta keep my head held high
Niall’s mouth twisted up into a smile, and I kept going on with these words forming in my head, showing all of the things I go through.