NOTE: Hey guise!!! I am not sure if I will get a chapter up tomorrow, because I have dance and homework and stuff. But that isn’t a for sure no! So keep an eye out just in case I do! Like I said, I might have to start doing them on Wednesdays and weekends but I am not sure yet. I hope you like this chapter and I am sorry it got put up so late!):
♡Chapter 39♡
Alaina’s POV:
I wake up with a pounding headache from the events of two days ago. I groan and shift closer to Niall. “Are you okay love?” I sighed “My head hurts because of that fucking Caroline.” He kissed my forehead softly “I know, we will get her taken care of. Want some breakfast?” I nodded “But I don’t think I have the strength to get out of bed.” He chuckled “I’ll carry you out to the bathroom.” He picked me up gently and started walking to the large bathroom. When we got in, he sat me down on the toilet seat and started running a bath. I sat there still in my sleep stupor as he pulled off my shirt and pants. When the bath tub was full of warm water and bubbles, Niall gently put me in there. “Thank you babe…” I mumbled. “You’re welcome my princess.” He walked out of the bathroom leaving me to peace.
I slipped beneath the warm, bubbly water to get my hair wet. I came up and wiped my eyes free of the soapy water. I grabbed my shampoo and started massaging it into my hair. I bobbed my head back under the water and came back up, rinsing my hair of the shampoo. I grabbed my vanilla scented conditioner and smoothed it over my hair. I let it sit in my hair as I shaved my legs and my arm pits. As soon as I was done, I rinsed out the conditioner and got out of the bath. I wrapped a soft, white towel around me and walked out into our bedroom. Niall was sitting on the bed with his laptop, fully dressed. I blushed at the thought that I let him see me naked, even thought we have had sex.
I walked over to our suitcases and pulled out an outfit. I slipped on my bra and panties and then pulled on the outfit. I looked in the mirror and realized I had my makeup all runny from the bath. I groaned and started taking off the old makeup to put on new. I quickly blow dried my hair and I was ready for the day:
(A/N: Side Image)
I turned to the tweeting Nialler with a smile on my face “Ready!” He smiled and closed his lap top “Lets go!”
We headed to Starbucks as always, and I ordered practically the same thing. Minus the gingerbread latter because the seasonal flavors were gone now. We sat down at a table and started eat our food, when the tv they had in there started talking about Caroline Flack.
Caroline Flack has gotten the charges pressed by Alaina Falcon dropped, will this set off another fight?
I almost choked on my scone. “What the fuck?!” Niall said a little too loudly. I put my finger to my lips, silencing him. We rushed out of the coffee shop and Niall started dialing Paul’s number. Niall started frantically talking to Paul about the matter as I sat quietly in the back of the cab. I knew she would get this off her back some how. GOD THAT BITCH! I have no idea how you can be so psycho! Niall groaned and hung up. “There is no possible way to repress the charges, we have no idea how she even got them dropped.” I sighed “I told you she would get them off her back, that’s just how she is.”
We sat in the cab quietly until we reached the hotel. We got out of the cab and reporters were swarming the area. Paul came out to our rescue and escorted us in. I noticed that Harry was arguing with their manager and was frustrated. I looked at Louis puzzled. He walked over to me and Niall to fill us in. “Management is saying Harry has to start dating Taylor Swift as a cover up for Jess. They don’t like the fact that all of One Direction is dating normal girls and no celebrities, and they want Caroline to stay away from her as well.”
We stood there with our mouths open. “This is ridiculous!” Niall nodded “I agree, I understand they are trying to help us. But this is too much.” Louis nodded “Well there is nothing we can do, Harry has been arguing for hours about this.” I sighed, Jess is not going to be happy about this at all. Harry walked away from his manager and started dialing a number on his phone. I am assuming Jess. Niall and I started to head up to our room, since we had nothing else to do and we didn’t want to get in the midst of world war 3 with management.
I plopped down on the couch and sighed. “What’s wrong?” Niall said sitting down next to me “Everything is so hectic right now, I can’t even perform for two weeks because of my head, Caroline go the charges dropped, and Jess can’t even go out with Harry!” He frowned “I know babe, but we gotta push through it. Maybe we could start working on your song?” I nodded and smiled.
Niall and I were strumming tunes on his guitar. I found one that I really like, the problem is that I can’t get lyrics to go with it. We sat there, scribbling things onto paper and crumpling it back up. We did that for hours until we realized that it is time for lunch. I sighed again as Niall decided to call for some take out. I flipped open my lap top and logged into twitter.
I had loads of mentions wishing me to get well and that I can perform soon. A lot were saying how much of a bitch Caroline is, and #CarolineBackOff was trending. I smiled and followed and tweeted back some people who were wishing me well. I turned off my laptop and saw that some take out was sitting in front of me. I started shoveling it down, realizing how hungry I was. I finished in no time, with even the Nialler himself staring in awe. I smiled “What I was hungry.” He blinked “You finished even faster than me!!” I laughed. “Oh Niall, you have much more to learn about me than you think!”
I got up off the couch to find some Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. I grabbed a small tub of Peanut Butter ice cream and sat back down on the couch. “So what are we going to do about Caroline?” I asked scooping out my ice cream. Niall grinned evilly “We will get her back, just watch.”
The boys ran back into the dressing room from a great performance again. I took these weeks off as a chance to watch them, they are amazing out there! Niall started pulling off his sweaty shirt and I found him his new one and a water bottle. He pulled over the new shirt and drank thirstily from the bottle. “You were brilliant out there!” I said in my new British accent. He smiled “Thanks love, I wish you could be performing too.” I smiled “I will be able to in a couple weeks.” We all went home from the venue and settled into our suites.
I sat down on the bed and Niall plopped down beside me. He was out like a light. I sighed and scrolled through my phone. Suddenly, Nialls phone buzzed. I looked at it and saw it was a text from Amy. A picture text. It was a picture of her with her boobs hanging out of her shirt. The message read “You wanna come over for some fun?” I stared at the phone in awe. I started silently crying to myself, I should’ve known…..
NOTE: OHHHHHH! Shit Niall! What is going on that Alaina doesn’t know? What do you think Caroline is going to do next? What will Jess think of this whole Harry and Taylor thing? Tune in next chapter(: Haha just had to guise. If any of you have any songs ideas for Alaina, please send them to my ask box or message me on watt pad. Thanks for reading!
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