Niall’s POV:
She had fallen asleep right in my arms. I could get used to this. Feeling the rising and falling of her chest. Looking at her soft face. Twirling her hair gently with my fingers. This was nice. As soon as the movie ended I didn’t want to wake her, so I took her to my room and laid her on the bed. Tucked her in, and gave her a kiss on the forehead. I gathered a pillow and a blanket settling on the couch. I didn’t want to scare her by sleeping with her. I don’t think she moves that fast. I don’t know what it is but I think she is afraid of something. And I am determined to find out. I fall asleep with ease.
Alaina’s POV:
I wake up to find my self in an unfamiliar surrounding. I am tucked in a really comfortable bed. I sit up and stretch out with a big yawn on my face. I slip out of the comfortable bed and walk in to the living room. I see that I am still at Niall’s house and he is fast asleep on the bed. I cover my mouth, *Crap! I fell asleep last night!* That was really rude of me. I walk over to the couch and sit at the end of his feet. I shake him lightly.
“Niall, wake up” Silence “Niall, I’m going to eat all the food in the world and you can’t have any.” He sits up right “What?!” I giggle “Now I figured out how to get you up! Sorry for sleeping over last night, I shouldn’t have stayed so late.” He shook his head. “Naw, it’s alright with meh.” He smiled. Both of our stomaches growled at the same time. We burst out laughing at how loud they were. His laugh is amazing. I could listen to it for years. “Well I guess we should go get breakfast! Starbucks?” I smiled “Sure, just let me change into some clothes from my flat then we can go” He nodded
When I got home I quickly changed into this:
I ran out and hopped into the car. It was a nice morning drive. Kind of quiet and peaceful. When we got there, Niall practically ran. I started laughing at how goofy he was. Jeez that boy was always hungry and never gained a single pound. I walked in and he was already trying to decide what he wanted. But I had made up my mind before i even got there.
“A skinny pumpkin spice latte, grande please with a cinnamon chip scone.” I looked to Niall waiting for him to order. “Uhhh I’ll have a hot chocolate with two iced lemon pound cakes and one blue berry scone.” The lady looked at him like he was crazy. Which he was, but it was a cute crazy.
I went to go sit down but Niall stayed at the register for a bit before coming over. Perhaps to get more food. Our order was called before he sat down so he got it for us. When he set my cup down I saw this written on it
Good Morning you beautiful girl(: xx
I looked up at him and smiled. “That was very sweet of you Niall” He started blushing from embarrassment “Eh it was nothing” he said shrugging his shoulders and smiling. He ate his food so quickly, that I hadn’t even eaten half of my scone. I shook my head at him “You know, if you ate more slowly you could enjoy your food better.” I said with a wink “Yeah, so I’ve been told. But I just get so hungry and get carried away.” I laughed at him. When we were done with our food, we left starbucks with my coffee still in hand. Niall checked his phone and noticed that he had to be at some promoting for his new album.
“Sorry Alaina, I have to go. But tonight All of us boys and their girlfriends are going to the club, you wanna come with us and bring some friends?” I nodded “That’d be great! Nice hanging out with you Niall!” I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. He started to blush and walked away.
*Oh no, was that too friendly?* I started to think. I really do like Niall, I just don’t know. I should talk to Jess about this.
When I got home, there was a note on the counter.
Went to class, be back for lunch.
I plopped down on the couch and started looking through my phone. I decided I should text Brooke to see if she could go tonight!
Hey!(: -Alaina xx
Hey! What’s up?
Oh I was just wondering if you would like to go to the club with me and my friend Jess, a few friends of mine will be there also.
I would love too! Who are these friends?(;
Haha! A few of them are guys with some of there girlfriends and then my high school bestie
Sounds fun! See you l8ter!(: xx
I smiled. Oh this was going to be a really fun night.