It was finally starting. Today was the day i would start my new life with my best friend. We both got excepted into the same college in London, and we have our apartment together and everything. We were both waiting at the airport excitedly.
"I can't believe we are finally doing this!!!" Jess says excitedly. "Me either! We get to start over like we both always wanted to!"
Jess and I have always had it pretty rough. We were both not popular, and didn't really have it going for us for guys. I mean I've had one, but i never talked about it to other people. We both weren't very close with our parents either. Mine seemed like they didn't really care what happened as long as I was looking OK. Jess's parents divorced during our 9th grade year in high school. I was the only one there for her through those tough times. All the sudden, we heard loud shrieks coming from girls. Soon we saw the mob dashing for our gate and five boys ahead of them.
I chuckle at her. She has always been such a big fan. "Yeah I guess so, must be taking this flight home."
I try to hold in my laughter as she starts silently fangirling. I never was an over the top fan, but i must say they are good singers and very attractive. They started to enter the gate early to get away from the fans. One of the fan girls comes over to me.
"YOU ARE SO LUCKY! YOU ARE GOING TO BE ON THE SAME PLANE AS THEM!" "Yeah i guess so" I say with a small smile
The girls don't leave until the regular passengers start to board the plane. I was lucky enough to get first class seats for me and Jess. We were right in the middle section of the airplane. We sat right in the middle of the four seat row.
"I can't believe this is happening!" I say with a grin. "I'm so excited to be living in London! I can't wait to see everything and shop at the little shops!" "I just can't wait to live a new life!"
Just then somebody sits on either side of us but i don't really take note of it until i heard a thick Irish accent talk to me. "Well hello there love!"
I turn around and meet these bright blue eyes looking into my green ones. I swear my jaw almost drops but i compose myself.
"Hello there" I say with a smile "What is your name?" The blonde Irishman says. "Alaina, Alaina Falcon. You are Niall right?" " 'tis me!" He says with a smile, sporting braces. They looked awfully cute on him. "Shouldn't you be on a plane to Ireland?" "Well I actually have a flat in London, my family just lives in Ireland." "Oh that's cool" I say with a smile. "You going to London for vacation?" "No, actually my friend and I are moving there and going to a university." "Oh? Well maybe we can hang out sometime then." He says with a little blush on his cheeks *Aww how cute* i thought to myself. I look over to see if Jess is sitting there awkwardly, but find her talking to Harry Styles from One Direction. I smile at the sight. Harry was always her favourite so I'm happy for her. I turn back around to face Niall. "Yeah that would be lovely." I say with a smile still on my lips. He smiles widely at me. "So what are you studying?" "I'm planning on being a writer, but my back up plan is to be a lawyer." "I think you should do what you love best." "Well I love to write i just don't know if it will support me enough." "I always thought that I'd need to do something besides singing, but look where it's got me!" "Yeah but you're GOOD!!" "I bet you're good at writing." "I'm not so sure.." I say hesitantly. "Will you let me read some of your stuff sometime?" "Sure." I smile. I can't believe he is actually trying to get to know me. We talk and talk until I start to doze off. I wake up to the sound of his smooth Irish voice. "Love, it's time to wake up." I open my eyes and realize i just fell asleep on his shoulder. My eyes widen and then i start my quick apology.
"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" "Oh it's fine love, you looked pretty knackered." "You guys do say strange words, I wonder if I'll get an accent." I say with a chuckle. "I hope you don't, your American accent is cute." I look at him and see his face turn beet red and he looks down.
I start smiling. We start to get up and get our carry on bags. When we leave the terminal Niall and I exchange numbers. He seemed like a nice guy. I call a taxi and Jess and I hop in.
"So, i saw you talking to Niall!" Jess says with a wiggle of her eyebrows. I roll my eyes at her. "He is a nice guy, but i don't think it would ever happen." She frowns "Come on Alaina, I know last time was hard but can't you just try again?" "It doesn't feel like the time is right right now." Jess looks at me seriously, "OK but please don't lead him on. He is such a sweet heart."
I nod at her. Yeah i would never do that to him, he is such a nice guy. But i couldn't let what happened last time.