♡Chapter 58♡

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NOTE: Hey guise(: Its a Tuesday!! And I am updating for once(: It feels good being able to♡ chill at Starbucks. Have a Very Berry Hisbiscus in a Venti and just type!! I miss this feeling guise, trust me. It sucked when I wasn’t writing. But I have a question…. can you guise give me some advice? I really like this guy, his name is Joseph. But the thing is he is really socially awk and he has never had a girlfriend. Like ever. So IDK if I should go for him because I want a long lasting relationship. The other thing is…. he likes to live on Cloud 9. And I am not really into any of that stuff. I am the queen of innocence ahaha. So that is a big breaking factor for me as well. But guise…. he has green eyes, legs like harry’s and just this smile!!! Help): Please talk to me on my kik: 15blondiebabe. I need it badly. Well, enough of my blabbing, here is the chappy(:

♡Chapter 58♡

Niall’s POV:

I watched her doze off in my arms. She is so adorable. Her face looks so peaceful and happy when asleep. I don’t like how Caroline has made her more stressed. Why can’t she just be left alone? I don’t understand. She is just jealous of how gorgeous she is I bet. I still can’t believe that she is mine. I smile at the sight of her promise ring on her finger. She promised with me. She will be mine forever some day. Not right now, but someday. Liam walked into our suite, I gave him an extra key to our room, and I put my finger to my lips to silence him. He cocked an eyebrow at me then noticed Alaina all curled up to me. He smiled and sat down across from me. 

“How is she?” He said quietly. I frowned slightly “Better, she hasn’t heard things or seen things today. But I think she will be good for awhile…” I said grinning. He looked at me puzzled. I pointed to her ring finger and his eyes widened “You proposed to her?!” He whisper yelled. I shook my head “It’s a promise ring, that someday we will be together for ever. She agreed.” He smiled and patted my back. “Nice job mate! I actually was thinking about doing that with Dani, would you help me pick out a ring?” I smiled “I would love to, but I think you should ask Alaina to help you. She is good at these kind of things.” He nodded “Thanks mate.”

Alaina shifted in her sleep and her hand found mine. I smiled as our fingers are loosely intertwined. “I think I’ll go put her in bed, I’ll be back.” Liam shook his head “No no, you go be with her. She needs you right now. I’ll see you later.” I nodded and he left the suite. I walked into our bedroom and carefully laid her down on the bed. I tucked her in and curled up right beside her. “I love you princess.” I whispered before kissing her temple. I hope that she will be okay.


Alaina’s POV:

I woke up to find it night time, Niall was asleep at my side. His arm loosely around my waist and our hands intertwined. I smiled and kissed his nose. His eyes fluttered open, showing me those beautiful liquid blue eyes. He smiled “Good morning sleeping beauty.” I giggled “Good morning my knight in shinning armor.” He chuckled and kissed my forehead “Ahh you’re so cute.” I scrunched up my nose and he kissed it. “What are we going to do now? We took too long of a nap to go to bed at a decent time but it’s took late to do anything!” He frowned at me, but then his eyes lit up. “I have an idea.” He quickly got out of bed and started going through his suitcase. 

“Go get dressed, put a swimsuit underneath of your clothes.” I gave him a look. “Just trust me.” I shook my head at him grinning and obeyed his commands. I started looking for a swimsuit and something to put over it. I decided to keep my hair up but put on more makeup. And now I went from totally lazy to beach sexy.

(A/N: Side Image)

I walked out of the bedroom to find a hot Niall in a tank top and shorts, witha snap back atop of his blonde locks. I grinned “You, look sexy.” I purred at him. He winked “Equally for you babe.” He took my hand and we walked to the lift to take us down. We walked out and I noticed we still have our ride from Valentines day here. I grinned “Yes! I wanna drive this baby!” Niall looked at me, with a sarcastic looking scared face. I stuck my tongue out at him “Oh don’t worry, I’ll only try to kill other people and not you.” He laughed his musical laugh, making me feel chills. His laugh is just amazing. 

I hopped into the driver’s seat and started the car. I rolled the top down and Niall hopped in the passenger side. “Where to captain?!” I shout. He smiles “To the beach.” I frowned “Niall! It’s too cold to go swimming now!” He grinned “Just trust me.” I pretended to sigh and pulled the car out of the parking lot. I let the wind blow around the stray hairs falling out of my bun. The feel of the car made me want to go faster, but there was a lot of traffic sadly. I turned up the radio and heard my name. I started listening intently to the radio host. 

“Well what do you think of Alaina Falcon? Seems as if she might steal One Direction’s fans.” I snorted at his comment. A woman’s voice came on “I think she is a very talented individual. She has a lot of potential and I can’t wait for her album to come out.” I smiled at that comment. “Well what do you think of her dating a member of the band, Niall Horan?” The woman came back to answer “I think they are very cute together, but I feel they should work more on their careers. They are so young and have so many opportunities.” I frowned and turned down the radio. “That’s a load of bull…” I grunted and Niall took my hand. “Don’t worry about it love.”

We reached the beach and it was completely empty. I smiled and got out of the car. Niall walked with me hand in hand, swiming our arms in a steady rhythm. We walked right up to where the waves would come in and out to hit our feet. The moon shining on the water was beautiful. I could stare at it for ages. Then I felt Niall rustling beside me. He was taking off his shirt and snap back and he threw it on the ground. I looked at him like he was crazy. But he had other ideas. He took the bottom of my top and ripped it off. I shook my head at him as he started to unbutton my shorts. He inched them down my thighs until they feel to my ankles. I kicked them off along with my shoes and stared at him. “Just because you got me undressed doesn’t mean that I’m going in the water.” I grinned at him. He gave me a wicked smiled and threw me over his shoulder. 

“NIALL!!! NIALL PUT ME DOWN!!!” I yelled giggling at him. When we got far enough in the water, he threw me in. The cold salt water hit my skin with a slap. I opened my eyes and saw a ton of bubbles at my side. After they disappeared, I saw Niall smiling at me under water. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into a kiss under the water. He pulled us up to the surface and pulled away from the kiss, with his grip still around my waist. “I have always wanted to to that.” I grinned at him. “Well now I’m freezing my tiny arse off!!” He laughed “I’m sorry princess, I brought a blanket though?” I smiled.

He carried me out of the water like a small child and got the blanket out of the car. He came back over and sat next to me on the sand, wrapping it around both of us to get the best warmth. We sat there together, just enjoying the presence of each other under the moonlight. He began to hum a tune that sounded somewhat familiar. Then I knew it was Truly, Madly, Deeply. I began to sing with him and he smiled. He went full on serenade mode and I just let the happy tears roll down my cheeks. When he was done he kissed me softly on the lips. “Alaina, I love you so much.” I grinned “I love you more.” Then we shared a nice makeout on the beach, under the stars, freezing from the cold see under a blanket. 


NOTE: Sorry it’s short): I just feel like it was such a filler though :P. Next chapter she is going to do some more recording and an interview. Maybe shopping with Perrie. But I think bout a couple chapter from now I’ll send them down to Florida for a Disney trip(: Sound fun?! Well thank you lovelies for reading, please talk to me about my issue. I know, I sound stupid and needy and bleh but it’s hard to make friends when everyonethinks your babies are gay hahahaha. Again, thank you so so soooo much! Love you

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