♡Chapter 53♡

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NOTE:  Hey Guise(: SURPRISE!!! I had no school today! So that means update!! WOOHOO!!!!! Yeah buddy(: Well they might have found where Caroline is hiding I heard? Lets find out where that bitch is! Haha on with thechapter!!


♡Chapter 53♡

Alaina’s POV:

They found her?” The investigator nodded. “We believe she is in Brazil.” We need you to come with us in case we do find her and we will hold a trial there.” My eyes widened “We have to go to Brazil?” He nodded. I looked at Niall with worry. He shook his head “It’s fine, we will just switch the showings around for Brazil with the ones we have here.”  I looked at him questioningly “Are you sure we can do that.” He shrugged “Who knows, but we will let management handle it. I am definitely going with you.” I turned to the investigator “When will we be leaving?” “Tomorrow morning, we have your flight scheduled and everything. Be ready by 6 o’clock Miss Falcon.” They turned on their heels and left the lobby. 

“Well this is shocking.” I chuckled. Niall grinned “Well she can’t get away with almost killing you, plus she doesn’t seem like that smart of a woman.” I burst out laughing and then cringed because my side hurt. Niall shook his head “Remind me to not make any more jokes.”  

We hopped into the black van to go to the doctor. Hopefully he says I will be able to swim, I wouldn’t want to skip out on the beautiful weather in Brazil. We rode to the hospital in silence. Niall was on his phone, probably texting the boys about our trip we are going on. We reached the hospital and Niall helped me out of the van. We walked up to the counter to sign in. “Your name?” The old lady with her glasses too far down her nose asked. “Alaina Falcon.” She typed it into her computer and looked at me “The doctor will see you in a moment.” 

We just sat down in the waiting room chairs when the nurse called my name. I stood up and walked with her to a white room, with a place for the patient and visitors to sit. I sat down in my place and Niall sat in a chair. “The boys said they are coming with us to Brazil.” I opened my mouth to object but he cut me off “They said there is no way they aren’t coming.” I closed my mouth and glared at the floor.  Niall chuckled as the doctor came into the room. 

“Alright Alaina, lets have a look under that bandage.” I took off my shirt with me just in my bra. Niall winked at me and started wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior as the doctor peeled off the bandage. “Well, it looks like it hasn’t gotten infected, and the stitches are healing quite nicely. You can take showers, go  swimming do whatever. As long as those stitches don’t rip out.” I grinned “Thank you doctor.” I put back on my shirt and he gave me a slip “See me in a week.” I slightly frowned “I don’t know if we will be here in a week, could I see another doctor when I can?” He nodded “Very well Miss Falcon, I know you’re a very busy girl.” 

We left the hospital and got back into the black van. As soon as we were on our way, I slapped Niall’s shoulder. “Oi! What was that for?!” I grinned “For being sexual in a public place.” I looked him in the eyes and winked. He smiled and put his lips to my ear “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” I nodded and bit my lip.

We reached the hotel and Niall practically dragged me inside, only to be stopped by Jess. “Alaina! We need to talk!” I looked at Niall and frowned “Sorry babe.” He sighed, but I started to whisper in his ear “Plenty of time for that tonight…” He grinned at me and went into the lift. “What’s up Jess?” She looked around and then started speaking “Lets talk by the pool?” I agreed and we went up stairs to get our swimsuits. 

I opened the door to our suite to find no Irishman, he must have gone to Liam’s room. I looked through my suitcase and picked out a swimsuit. Threw it on and just left my hair and makeup, but grabbed a different pair of ray bans and my beach bag. 

(A/N: Side Image)

I stepped out of my suite and walked down to the pool area. I found where Jess was sitting and sat down next to her. I began smothering tanning oil over my skin when I asked “Okay, what’s the scoop?” she sighed “I think Caroline went after you because of me and Harry.” I rolled my eyes “Me and Caroline have our own little history. This is not your fault babe.” She put down her magazine “I don’t want you getting killed just because I am dating Harry!” I looked at her “Don’t do anything stupid, stay with Harry. Management is having them ‘break up’ anyways because of this whole incident.” I said pointing to my side. “Besides, she is practically giving us a trip to Brazil.” I said laying back and putting my aviators on. We both laughed and just enjoyed the sun.

After about a couple of hours of basking in the rays, we heard the boys being loud and obnoxious. We sat up and saw Louis and Harry dashing for the pool. They both cannon balled in together like a pair of girlfriends. I looked at Jess and she was shaking her head with a fit of giggles coming out of her mouth. “Nice boy you got there.” I said teasingly. “Oh shut up!” we both began laughing but I winced as it still hurt my side. 

Niall came over to me and kissed my soft lips “You okay?” I nodded “Yeah, just sore still.” He frowned. “Wanna go into the hot tub?” I grinned wildly at him. “Oh yeah!” He laughed and picked me up. “Niall! I don’t need to be carried!” He smiled at me “Oh yes, you do your highness.” I chuckled as he settled me into the warm, bubbling water. 

He sat down next to me and put his arm around me. Liam sat by Jess to keep her company, and Zayn chilled in the hot tub with us. It was too much for him to go into the pool. You can’t swim, am I right?” I asked Zayn. He nodded “Yeah, you really need to get to know us more Alaina!” I laughed “Well this blondie is keeping me away from you guys!” Niall rolled his eyes “Next time we will hang out with them.” I put my lips to his ear “But tonight…?” He looked and me and winked. Oh this is going to be one hell of a ride!


NOTE: Hey(: I’ll leave your mind to wander on their intimacy for over this week(; lol i know I’m so evil! Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Do you think Caroline will be in Brazil? What is going to happen? Leave your thoughts in the comments down below for the fellow wattpad readers and send your thoughts to my inbox you fellow tumblr followers! Love you guys and I hope this was a good surprise(:


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