♡Chapter 21♡

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OMG guys seriously you need to vote on these outfits. I swear no body reads my fan fiction and even cares. But just this one tiny favour for me would mean a lot. I know I am probs annoying but it is a lot to me. I also just started a beauty blog on YouTube(: I know you didn’t expect that right?(; any ways check it out, its on my me page. I hope you enjoy this chapter and it would be nice if I could get some likes from it!


♡Chapter 21♡

Niall’s POV

She was already asleep in my arms. She always does fall asleep when watching movies with me. But she is so cute when she sleeps. That thing that she said earlier has been tugging at my mind though. I would think she would be the girl always going out and hanging out with friends. Not staying home and watching movies all day. No matter what she did I will always love her though. It just seemed like she hinted at not being very popular. Well, maybe if she makes a comment like that again I’ll ask her. I flipped off the tv and carried her bridal style to our bedroom. I laid her down on the bed and tucked her under the covers, crawling in with her. I wrapped my arm around her tiny waist and held her protectively to my body. I fell asleep instantly at knowing she was safe in my arms.

Alaina’s POV

 I woke up with Niall’s arms around my torso. But we weren’t on the couch anymore. We were in his bed. Our bed. A huge grin appeared on my face from the thought of that. I turned around so that I faced him but was still in his arms. His eyes fluttered open at my movement. “The princess is awake.” He said with a smile. I giggled “No more sleeping beauty!” He laughed with a husky morning voice. “So what are we doing today my prince?” I asked while batting my eyes. He smiled “Lets just be lazy and love each other all day.” I kissed him softly on the lips. “I like that idea.” I whispered. His breath hitched and he started to kiss me. He rolled on top of me, propping himself up with his elbows and was slowly kissing me. He licked my bottom lip but I wouldn’t let him in. My mouth probably tastes horrible! But then he bit my lip which made me gasp, giving him access. His tongue was exploring the inside of my mouth and I could feel him smile into the kiss. I started smiling into it as well. He was very gentle this morning, loving and caring. Last time we kissed like this it was very aggressive from our fighting. I was intertwining my fingers in his hair. We pulled away for a bit out of breath. But I soon flipped us over and was straddling him and kissing all over again. This time I put my tongue in his mouth. I heard him moan between our lips. Between kissed he talked “Alaina, you make me want you so bad.” I just kept kissing him with his hands on my hips. We laid down on the bed gasping for air. “Every time you kiss me, you make my butterflies go wild and leave me out of breath.” He said smiling at me. I kissed him on the nose still trying to catch my breath and got up to change. He groaned. “I was so warm with you in bed!” I playfully rolled my eyes and went to my closet. I chose a comfy outfit and just left my hair from yesterday since it was still curly and put on a beanie. I looked like this: (Side Bar Image)

I turned around and noticed that Niall was pretty much watching the whole time. My eyes widened and I started to stutter out “You-u just watched me  change…” He laughed and smiled “Oh Alaina, it was just your bra and underwear.” My face relaxed a little bit “But still! I don’t like my body.” Now his eyes widened and mouth dropped. “How can you say that when you’re as thin as a twig?!” I shook my head. “No I’m not, I’m fat.” He got up and hugged me tight. “No you’re not, you are beautiful, and perfect.” I just kinda shrugged him off and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. He followed me looking hurt. I started to speak “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” I said quietly. “You didn’t hurt my feelings, it hurts me to think you aren’t perfect.” I smiled with my back to him. I am far from perfect. But he makes me feel perfect when I am with him. But then I start to remember all the rude things people said to me in high school. “Not everyone thought so…” I thought I whispered it quiet enough for him not to hear, but then he answered me. “You have been hinting at things lately, what do you mean not everyone thought so?” I froze. I can’t tell him yet. I’m not ready. “Uh….I erm…” He took my shoulders gently and looked into my green eyes with his blue orbs. “Alaina, tell me what people did to you.” My eyes started to water and I told him everything. “When I was in high school. People didn’t like me very much. They started calling me fat when I was about a freshman. I wasn’t the lightest but I wasn’t the heaviest either. I started to stop eating and people noticed at lunch. Then they started calling me anorexic and I knew I was deep down. They also called me a slut when ever my jeans seemed too tight or even if I put on a little more makeup than anyone did. I was just self-conscious. I didn’t like who I was. When I was about a sophomore,  This really popular senior asked me to the dance. I was so excited, and got all dressed up to look perfect for him. When I got there he made an announcement on the mic. He said that he was going to kiss me. Everyone knew I hadn’t been kissed before so he knew it would be a dream to me. When he was almost touching my lips they spilled pop all over me and my dress. I called my mom crying to her and I pretty much stopped talking to anyone besides Jess…” I looked up from the ground and saw tears in his eyes.  He hugged me tight, holding my hand with his hands. “I’m so sorry…” I slightly shook my head “Nothing for you to be sorry about.” He pulled away. “I wish I would’ve been there to protect you. You are an amazing girl. I’m sure they were just jealous of your beauty.” I laughed and shook my head. “My prince always knows how to cheer me up.”

I started walking back towards the kitchen so that I could make breakfast. I pulled up pinterest to try out this cake batter cinnamon rolls. I started getting all the ingredients out and putting them together. Niall came from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “What are ya makin?” I smiled “Cake batter cinnamon rolls.” “YUMMY! I GET FIRST ONE!” I laughed. That boy was always eating. I put them in the oven and plopped down on the couch in the living room. I turned on the TV and saw Liam’s face. I turned it up and the news lady started speaking.

“Looks like a long lost couple has emerged once again! Liam Payne and Danielle Peazer were spotted looking all cuddly and lovey dovey on a park picnic. Laughing and kissing. Well Directioners, Liam is no longer single any more!”

She then when back to other news and I called at Niall. “HEY! LIAM IS BACK WITH DANIELLE!” He popped his head from the kitchen “Really?” I nodded. “Yup!” I said popping the P. He smiled and came to sit next to me. “That’s great, he wasn’t himself without her. Even when he had found Brooke he still wasn’t the same.” I nodded “Well I hope we get the real Liam back.” then smiled.

Danielle’s POV

“Lets watch Toy Story!” Liam said. I laughed but nodded my head. Just as the movie was about to start my phone started to ring. I went into his bedroom and answered it.


“You were supposed to back off bitch.”

I froze at the familiar voice but came back hard “You don’t have control over me.”

“Oh but maybe I do little Danielle. You wouldn’t want Liam to find out that you were pregnant with his baby but got an abortion do you?”

Tears started to fill my eyes and I got a lump in my throat. She starts yelling into the phone “DO YOU?!” “No…” I whimpered. “Then back off.”

She hung up. I walked back out to the living room with tears still in my eyes. I looked at Liam “Baby, I have to go….bye..” He started to stand up noticing I was crying but I already beat him out of the flat and started the drive home.


 OOOOOOOOO! What is Danielle doing? Is she going to fight for her and Liam’s relationship? OH AND ALAINA TOLD NIALL HER STORY!!!(: Hope that made you guys happy. Vote, comment, read. Anything for this story please(: I will still take shout outs for you guys as well. Oh and for you tumblr people like on tumblr.(: Bye babes! xx

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