♡Chapter 48♡

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NOTE: Hey guise(: How’s it going?! Second chapter today(: I will also be posting on Wednesday but I’m not so sure about Thursday. But come on, I gave you two today! Shows how much I love you guys(: Well idk how sson this will be up because I am watching Pretty Little Liars and Dance Moms tonight as well so it might be up late, but it will be up! Enjoy the chapter(:


♡Chapter 48♡

Alaina’s POV:

“What they hell are you doing here you little bitch?!” I wasn’t afraid to confront her. She looked taken aback “My, my Alaina. Don’t be so rude to your friends girlfriend.” Jess looked like she was about to cry. “You know the truth, and you need to let the truth out.” She shook her head and laughed evilly “You know I will never do that, all I need to do is kick out your little BFF here and my plan is perfect.” I stared at her “What about Brooke?” She smiled sweetly “That is information that I am not going to give. Now if you excuse me, I’m going to see my boyfriend.” She went into the lift and stared us down until the doors closed. Jess turned to me with tears in her eyes.

“Can I come to your room until she leaves?” I nodded “Of course.” We waited for the next lift and took it to our floor. We reached the floor and went straight to Mine and Niall’s suite. We walked in and Niall stood up. Liam and Zayn were on their feet as well. “What’s going on?” Liam questioned. Jess sat down and Zayn started rocking her back and forth and whispering soothing things. “Caroline was here, well she is here.” “What did she do?” Niall asked with rage. “She said some things that she shouldn’t have. Saying that she is going to get rid of Jess.” Zayn looked up from comforting her “Oh that bitch is going to pay.” I got out a tub of Ben and Jerry’s icecream for Jess and we all watched a chick flick, the boys agreed since it would make Jess feel better. Just before the movie was done, Harry burst through the room. Jess jumped up and wrapped her body around him and began sobbing. Harry was whispering in her ear and kissing her face. 

“It’s time for us to go to the venue lads.” Liam said, being the daddy he is. We all started to head to the venue in the van, Jess was coming along as well. She wanted to watch me and Harry tonight in the audience. But obviously the fans would think she is just there for me. We reached the venue and Jess came into my dressing room. My clothes were laid out like always, and I slippecd them on. “I can’t believe she would do such a thing. Even the girls in highschool weren’t that cruel.” I sighed “I know, once you get in the celebrity world it gets worse. Don’t ever become famous.” Jess chuckled “Well if Harry and I ever become public that will definitely happen girl.” I smiled and sat down as my hair and makeup artist went to work on me. After about an hour, I was looking ready for the concert.:

(A/N: Side image)

“Damn girl! You always get to look hot now!” I grinned at Jess “Maybe one day you’ll be like me, only following your dreams.” She blushed, embarassed by them. She has always wanted to be dancer, I don’t know why she hasn’t told Danielle about it yet, but some how I’m going to let it slip so she can get her big break like I did. I wish I would’ve accepted it sooner, but at least I am here now. I hugged Jess for good luck and she went out into the crowd. I did my normal routine of thinking about the first time I saw Niall, and letting loose about it. I ran out on to the stage and let the screams overwhelm me. “Hey guys!” The girls all screemed and I chuckled inot the mic. “You guys are absolutely incredible, I can’t believe all the support I get from you guys. Thank you so much for coming to these shows!” They screamed again and I grinned on stage and began to speak again “So who is ready to get some tunes blasting?!” They screamed again and I started singing wings. I caught Jess’s eye and I pointed at her and smiled. She was mouthing “I’m so proud of you.” I kept grinning and went on with my set list.

I ran off stage, with the usual salty sweat dripping down my face. I quicky dabbed it with a towel and drank my whole water bottle. I changed into my regular clothes and headed out to the section that Jess was in. I wanted to get the whole concert expierence that my fans got. I poked Jess’s ribs and she jumped. I grinned at her “You were amazing!” I laughed “Thanks girl.” I hugged her and we went on watching the boys perform. When they got to singing They Don’t Know About Us, I looked at Jess and she had her eyes glued onto Harry. He was staring back at her with so much passion, I could even feel the love. I smiled at her, but she was too busy in her trance of Styles. After the show, we went backstage and Jess wrapped around Harry like a vice and I gave Niall my usual after show kiss. 

We all went back to the hotel, and Harry and Jess spent some alone time together so Liam went with Louis and Zayn. Leaving me and Niall alone time as well. Although we couldn’t figure out what to do. We decided to do a short twit cam before bed and tucked in from exhaustion. I started tossing and turning in bed. Dreams of Caroline trying to stab me and kill me kept me up. I sighed and went to the kitchen to get something to drink. And there was Caroline.


NOTE: OHHHH Sorry for the short chappy but cliff hanger?(; You know you’re addicted to it haha. well I hope it was satifying enough, I will do a chapter tomorrow as well. Not sure on Thursday but we will see! Love you guys and thanks for reading.


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