NOTE: Hey guise(: I’m finishing off her birthday in this chapter!!! I don’t know about you, but I feel that last chapter was really fun to write and I really hope it was as fun to read as it was to make it! Well today is half her birthday and the other half just more filling stuff): I know I really hate fillers but nothing big is going on besides her birthday and the fact that she is wounded by Caroline haha. Well anyways, on with the chapter!
♡Chapter 52♡
Alaina’s POV:
I went out onto the stage and the crowd went wild. I sat down on my stool and they all stopped screaming. “Tonight’s show I will be sitting on this stool.” They all sighed and I frowned “I know, I just need some rest. But I have a new song for you guys to hear!” They cheered and screamed. I chuckled, “Well, here it goes.” I pulled out my brand new guitar and started strumming the tune. I sang The Climb with all my heart, showing all my pain I’ve been through. Phone lights were whipped out and swaying in the dark. They started to catch onto the chorus and sang along. I pulled out my inner ear and listened to them. Them singing along with me, brought tears of joy to my eyes. I finished the song and wiped away a tear from my cheek. I went right into the rest of my set list and rocked it out, even though I am stuck on a stool.
Niall came out for our duet and I smiled at him. He sat down on a stool as well and sang with me. It went smoothly like always but then Niall started saying words he usually didn’t. “Now if you don’t know, today is Alaina’s birthday.” I blushed beet red as the fans screamed. “Now I think we should all sing her happy birthday don’t you agree?” They screamed louder and Niall smiled at me. “Alright, well come on out boys!”
Louis, Harry, Liam, and Zayn came out with grins on their faces. Liam handed Niall his guitar and he started strumming the birthday tune. They all sang in their musical voices happy birthday to me, and the crowd sang along as well. When they finished the song, Niall gave me a long, lingering kiss and the crowd went wild. “Happy birthday princess.” I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
When I got back stage, Jake, Gina, and my hair and makeup artist were sitting back there with presents in their laps. “Guys! I said no presents!!” Jake chuckled “You knew we all would get you one anyways. Here, open mine first.” I rolled my eyes and took his present. I sat down and started unwrapping the box. I opened it up and found bejeweled inner ears. “Oh my gosh this is amazing!” He smiled “I thought since the boys had personalized ones, you would want some too.” I smiled “Thank you so so so much Jake!” I hugged him tightly and Gina handed me her present to me. I started opening it up and could smell my present. Inside was the Marc Jacobs Daisy perfume and few shirts. “Thanks Gina!” She grinned “You’re Welcome.” My hair artist gave me a curling iron with some heat protectant and my makeup artist gave me professional makeup brushes from Sigma. I thanked them all with a hug and then the boys came back stage for intermission.
I lounged in their dressing room and ate the snacks laying out for them. They got better snack than I did. I decided to would be a good idea to check twitter since I haven’t been on in a long time. I logged in on my macbook and looked through my mentions. Pretty much all of them were wishing me happy birthday. I had tears fill the brim of my eyelids. I didn’t think people cared this much. I retweeted some that I thought were the nicest and followed some people. Then I decided to send a thank you tweet for all the birthday wishes. I exited out of Twitter and started looking on Wanelo at some things. Then I heard whooping and hollering like always, and how the concert was better than the last. I smiled and got up off the couch. I greeted Niall with a hug and he kissed my forehead.