Alaina’s POV
“Niall….what should I do?” “You look great in all of them, so its up to you. But if you really can’t decide right now we could ask for them to hold them all.” My face brightened up “You are so brilliant Niall!” I hugged him tightly and he laughed. I went to the front cash register and had them hold them for me. I have a week to decide. Good enough. We were walking out of the mall together hands linked when Niall spoke up “Back there you sounded kinda british to me….I think you’re catching the accent here Laina.” I smiled “Yes! I have always wanted a cool accent!” He laughed “Yeah but you were really cute with your american accent too.” He started to blush and look away “Awh Niall you’re so sweet. I love you.” He froze for a minute but then smiled “I have been waiting for you to say that. I love you too Alaina.” He kissed me passionately and helped me into the car. When we were driving home, I noticed how tired I had become. He stopped at his house and was helping me out when I yawned. “You staying here again?” I nodded “Yeah, I’m so tired.” He smiled “Here.” He picked me up bridal style and I yelped a bit but smiled. I started to drift off in his arms but woke up when he was tucking me in. He kissed me on the forehead and crawled into bed with me “Good night my princess.” I smiled “Good night my prince.” And fell into a good night’s sleep.
Jess’s POV:
“What do I do Harry….this is a big crisis!!!” He laughed “You look beautiful in them all, maybe I can just buy all of them for you.” I whipped around and gave him a look “I can’t let you do that! Here maybe we could see if they can hold them for me for a week.” I walked to the cash register and asked if they could hold them. They said they could and I let out a sigh of relief. I led Harry out of the Mall and was walking hand in hand with him. “You know, it doesn’t really matter what you wear. You could just wear nothing.” He said cheekily and gave me a wink. I rolled my eyes playfully at him “Harry it definitely matters what I wear. There will be famous people there!” He looked at me “I am famous love, but you wear whatever around me.” “You’re different Harry, you’re my boyfriend. I need to give these people the right impression!” He stops walking and faces me holding my shoulders. “I am sure they will love you, any one who hates you is a crazy arse.” I giggled “And I love you, thats all that should matter.” He kissed me softly on the lips. When he pulled back I said to him “That’s the first time we’ve kissed…” He looked deeply into my eyes and back down at my lips. “Come on, lets go to my flat.”
He drove really fast to his flat and when we got inside the house he practically pounced on me. I was up against the wall and he was kissing me. I immediately kissed back, this wasn’t the first time I’ve made out with someone but I have never had a boyfriend. The story is long and is for another time. I was running my fingers through his hair. It was so soft and I could feel the curls through my fingers. He hoisted my thighs up around his waist and started for the bedroom. He laid down on to the bed with me straddling him. I kept kissing him and kissing him. He was licking my bottom lip for access but I wasn’t giving him any. He bit my lip seductively which made me gasp. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and explored the unknown inside of it. A moan escaped my lips between kisses. I felt him grinning while kissing me and I started to grin too. This wasn’t just amazing, but my heart was racing. This ment something. We pulled back out of breath and I laid on top of him resting my chin on my hands. “You are one great kisser Styles.” I said with a wink. he grinned at me “Not so bad yourself, but you were a little stubborn.” I rolled my eyes “Oh Harry, I don’t give myself that easily.” I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes. He huffed and kissed my forehead. “Are you sleeping.” I slightly nodded and he chuckled. “Good night love, sweet dreams.” And i drifted off to sleep land.
Alaina’s POV
I woke up with my body entangled with Niall. My stomach growled really loudly. I groaned. There is no way I’m getting out of his grip and I am starving. I looked up at Niall’s sleeping face and kissed his lips. But he only groaned. “Alaina I don’t want to get up.” “But Niall I’m hungry.” then he opened his eyes quickly. “Now that I think about it so am I.” He hopped out of bed and started running out the room. I laughed at him. He will do literally anything for food. I followed him to the kitchen and he closed the fridge frustratingly. “What’s wrong my hungry hungry hippo?” He laughed really loudly then smiled at me “There is no food my princess, we must go to starbucks.” “YAY!!!! MY FAVOURITE PLACE!” He laughed at me again. “You really are sounding like a brit now.” I smiled and kissed him on the lips. “Well that’s nice but I have to get ready to eat at starbucks!” I dashed to his room and looked through my stuff. I should really be heading home soon, this is my last back up outfit I have packed. I threw on this:
I tromped back downstairs. “Lets go Niall!” He laughed at how excited I was. We walked out of the flat and I hopped into the car. He smiled at me and looked back at the road. “I can’t believe you are excited just to go to starbucks, but when I tell you we are going to a red carpet event you freak out.” I rolled my eyes at him “Well I am nervous that people won’t like me.” I shook his head at me “Who wouldn’t like you Alaina? You are the funniest, smartest, nicest people I know. And you are my girlfriend. And that’s all the matters.” He took my hand and kissed it while still looking at the road. I smiled “You are just too sweet my prince.” We stopped in front of starbucks and I ran inside. “I would like a peppermint mocha latte please, grande.” I always order right away and Niall sits there contemplating on what he wants. He finally picks out six different pastries and a hot chocolate. We sit down and eat our little breakfast, or should I say big for Niall. I looked out the window and saw a girl with bangs straight across. She looked so cute. Then it came to me. “Niall, I think I want to get my hair cut.” He looked at me “Like how?” “I want to get some bangs.” He smiled at me “You would look cute with any hairstyle but you can do what you want with it.” I smiled “Take me to the salon please my prince!” He laughed “alright princess lets go.” We got to a very nice salon and I got seated right away. I told the girl to give me bangs and she proceeded to do her work. When she was finished, I was in love. I loved what I looked like. I walked out to greet Niall and a smile came across his face “You look beautiful.” He whispered and kissed me. “Lets go home.”
Jess’s POV
I woke up laying on top of Harry’s chest and smiled. I replayed what happened last night in my head and turned my head to face him. He was already staring at me and smiling. “Good morning love.” He whispered in his husky morning voice. “Good morning Harry.” My stomach growled really loudly and we both laughed. “I’ll make us some breakfast.” He got up but I started to whine. “I don’t want to walk downstairs.” he smiled at me then picked me up bridal style. I giggled at him and he was just grinning at me. When we got to the table he set me in a chair and went to the kitchen. I could smell eggs and bacon wafting from the kitchen. He set the hot, steamy plate in front of my and I digged in. Gosh it was so good! A Mmm escaped my lips and he smiled “So I did good?” He asked I nodded really fast and continued eating. I downed the whole plate in about 5 minutes and looked at him “You are such a good cook!” He laughed “Well I did work in a bakery.” I smiled at him. “Indeed you did, but now I want to go back and lay in bed.” He walked over to me and picked me up again. “Harry, you don’t have to carry me everywhere.” He chuckled “Yeah I do.” I smiled at him. He threw me playfully on the bed and I squealed. He plopped down on the bed hard making me go flying in the air. “ahh! Harry!” I fell back down on the bed and he was laughing at me. I playfully scowled at him “I could have died!” He shook his head “No, I would never let you die Jess.” He cuddled me close to him and started kissing my neck. “So what did you think of last night?” Harry said in between kisses. I smiled really widely and my face turned red “It was nice…” he stopped kissing my neck and started kissing my lips, but softer than last night. I smiled into the kiss and kept kissing him. We fell back into our cuddling position and started talking again. “You know you are my first ever boyfriend Styles.” He looked at me puzzled “You must be lying, with how great you are and beautiful.” I shook my head “Nope, everyone thought I was a loser at my school.” He frowned “You are amazing, brilliant. And beautiful. And mine.” He kissed me on the lips. I smiled at him. “You are just amazing Harry, I don’t even know how I deserve you.” He shook his head. “I don’t know how I deserve YOU.” We laid there for a long time, just enjoying each others company and hearing each other’s breathing. It was the best feeling on earth.
NOTE: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! The decision of the outfits will be posted in the next chapter on Friday. PLEASE VOTE GUYS I AM BEGGING YOU! There have only been three votes so far on each poll and I need YOUR opinion. Please vote here