Alaina's POV:
"Jess!!! I need help picking out and outfit!!!" I yell through the house to get to her. I hear her feet break into a little sprint to get to my room. She comes in with a smile on her face "Need outfit advice for your date" She says with a grin. I sigh, this was just too fun for her "Yes i do, Niall says he has a surprise for me after the dinner so i have no idea what to wear." Jess goes over to my closet and starts rummaging through it. She makes noises when ending up picking out something atrocious, but finally makes a squeal. She lays out this for me to wear.
I frowned at it "But isn't it kind of weird that I'm wearing a shirt for his band?" She shakes her head "It's never a shame to wear anything floral! Plus he said in an interview that his girlfriend would have to support his band!" She says very cheerily. I roll my eyes at her and smile "You are a great friend you know" She smiles and gets to work on my hair and makeup. It is 5:55 when we finish so i decided to check my twitter account. I look at my followers and mentions and they have blown up. *Holy shit...* i think to myself. I see tons of pictures of me and Niall shopping, leaving the club, and at the airport too. *They must think we are dating* I think. A lot of the girls are excited for Niall to have a "girlfriend" And have #Nilaina already trending. I hear a knock on the door and log out to answer it. It was Niall. He smiled at me with his mouth and his beautiful blue orbs. Gosh this will be so hard to stay away from him.
"You ready to go?" He asks politely. "Yeah sure." I say with a smile. I walk out of the flat and he grabs my hand while we walk to the car. "So where are we going?" I ask him He shakes his head “"It's supposed to be a surprise Alaina, so you can't know!" I mockingly frown at him "But i really want to know!!!" He laughs at me "You will know soon enough." And flashes his smile with braces. He is just so cute.
The car ride was pretty quite but it wasn't an awkward silence. One of their songs comes on the radio and was Kiss You again. I started humming to it since it had been playing often. I see Niall grinning at me and he starts to sing along to his part.
♫I just wanna show you off to all of my friends, Making them drool on their chinny chin chins. Baby be mine tonight, mine tonight. Baby be mine tonight yeah. And if you, you want me to. Lets make a move. So tell me girl if every time we,♫
Then i join in with him loudly on the chorus.
♫Touch, you get this kind of, rush. Baby say, yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah. If you don't wanna, take it slow. And you just wanna, take me home. Then baby say yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah, and let me kiss you!♫
We burst out laughing at how loud we were in the car, people we even staring at our car because they could hear us from outside. I look and him and smile. The car stops at a small little italian restaurant. It looked so cute and warm. We walked inside and some escorted us to our table right away. We sat down and started to look at the menu.
"So what are you going to get?" Niall asked me. "I think I'm going to get ziti, I've always had it made by my dad but i wanna see how other people make it." He nodded. "Yeah I'll probably try that too and get ten other dishes." I swear my jaw hits the floor.
Ten dishes?! He starts laughing "Yeah, I have a really high metabolism. I could probably eat your dinner and the other boys' diners and still not gain a pound." I shake my head as if it will make me less shocked "I will gladly take that metabolism from you" I laugh he smiles at me"But you're so pretty the way you are, you wouldn't need a high metabolism to make you skinner." I start to blush. No one ever really called me pretty unless it was my parents or Jess. "Thanks..." I mumble. He shakes his head "I'm just tellin the truth." Our food comes just in time for me not to stutter a reply back. It was really really good too. Niall finished before i even ate even a fourth of mine but i didn't care. He needed the extra time to look over desserts.
"So i think I'm going to have some gelato, it's really good here." He says still looking at his menu. "Oh I absolutely love gelato!!! I think I'll have the peanut butter kind, what about you?" He frowns then he smiles and says "The Irish Mocha Mint." I laugh "Probably only cause it's Irish." I say with a wink. "No, I've had all the flavours and it's actually pretty good." He says with a smile.
We get our gelato and it taste so good! After we are done we get in the car and i bring up the surprise he said i would have after wards. "So what is the surprise?" He sighs "Alaina i can't tell you remember. That is how a surprise works!" "Oh come on!" He stops in front of a venue and I give him a puzzling look. "I am taking you to a concert, but i have something i promised to do before it so I will lead you to our seats and then find you when it starts alright?" I nod. He takes me up to the very front. "Who's concert is this Niall?" "That's also a surprise." He says with a smile "See you later!"
He dashes out before i could say anything. The venue starts to fill soon, and with a lot of girls. I start noticing the signs and realize this is a One Direction concert.
NOTE: Just to tell you, there will practically be an external link after every chapter that will lead you to the outfit I've made on polyvore. It will take you to my tumblr page if you don't mind. And if you would just like to follow me on their also its (: xx