♡Chapter 9♡

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Alaina’s POV:

Right when Jess walked in the door, i pounced on her. “We need to get ready for tonight, we are going out remember? Oh and I invited that nice girl Brooke to come with us as well.” She nodded “Just chill for a sec OK?” She laughed. I was normally not this excited to go out “Is it because Niall will be there?” My cheeks turned bright red and I looked at the ground. “Yeah i guess… but I don’t know Jess.” She rolls her eyes at me “You obviously like him, he is probably just as worried as you are since you’re not all that flirty with him and you look worried all the time.” She stuck her tongue out at me. “Tonight you are going to flirt with him and he WILL ask you out.” I frowned at her “Well then Harry better ask you out too!” Her face was turning redder than mine “I-i-i don’t think he really likes me, He is too good for me…” “JESS! Have you seen the way he looks at you?! You are ridiculous.” “Well then don’t be such a hypocrite and you have to get with Niall tonight!” “Fine!” “FINE!” 

We glared at each other for about five minutes until we burst out laughing. We are so weird. We hurried into our rooms so we could get ready for tonight. I dressed into this:

and Jess into this:

We were smokin. Soon the door bell rang, and behind it was Brooke. She was wearing this:

“Damn girl you did good!” Complimented Jess. Brooke smiled. “Thanks, I decided i should be a little sexy since there are boys involved.” She said with a wink. “Well don’t take the blondie cause that one is Alaina’s” She said with a wink “And don’t take curly haired because that one is Jess’s” We playfully glared at each other “OK I don’t know what is going on but I think both of you are too shy to say aloud that you like these guys and I think it’s hilarious.” She said with a smirk. We started laughing. Soon the door bell rang again and this time it was Harry, Niall, and Liam. I smiled at Niall and he smiled back.

“Oh so now i see.” Said Brooke slyly. “What?” Liam asked. She then directed her eyes to him and then they widened but quickly went back to normal state. I noticed Liam glancing her up and down as well. Maybe we can get all of One Direction taken soon. “It’s nothing” I replied for her and took Niall’s hand “Lets go!”

When we got to the club it was packed! And I mean packed! We soon met up with Zayn, Louis, Eleanor, and Perrie who is Zayn’s girlfriend. “Are you ready to PAR-TAY?!” Louis shouted. We all laughed at him like he was crazy but yelled back “Hell yeah!!!’ We sat at a booth and ordered drinks right away. I went hard core and order the vodka right away. Niall looked at me surprised but just went with it. Soon I had had about 3 drinks and so had Niall. “Wanna go dance Laina?” Niall asked “Sure” I said with a wink. 

When we got on the dance floor i was dancing up on Niall. He hand his hands on my waist and I had mine in the air. I could tell the drinks were making me more flirtatious. He stopped moving for a bit to tell me something “I’m going to go get another drink, you stay here.” I nodded and continued dancing by myself. Soon this big look guy grabs me and drags me outside. I looked at him and said a little woosy “If you really wanted me you could’ve asked! Gosh Niall just ask me out already!” But then i looked at his face and realized it wasn’t Niall. He had a big grin on his face and threw some duck tape around my mouth. He threw me over his shoulder and i started kicking my legs and trying to scream through the duck tape. All the sudden I was thrown back on the ground and the guy landed beside me unconscious. Some one lifted me with his strong arms and i was staring into the bright blue orbs of Niall. I instantly relaxed and he tore off the duck tape around my mouth. “Thank you..” I breathed and laid my head on his chest.

He just nodded still looking quite worried for me. He carried me back to his car and started driving. “Thank you really, for saving me back there….” He nodded his head and then a smile came to his face. “What?” I asked. He just shook his head still not talking. “Did I do something?” He shook his head again but then spoke. “No, I just heard you shouting to the man you thought was me… you want me to ask you out?” I put my hands over my mouth totally embarrassed. I started looking at the ground my cheeks flushing red. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him “Do you?” I gave him a small nod and looked back down at the ground. He stopped the car and made me look at him again. But this time he crashed his lips against mine. They were so soft and molded against mine perfectly. My stomach’s butterflies kept going round and around my stomach. I could see fireworks behind my eye lids. He made me feel….amazing. That shouldn’t even explain it, it’s more than amazing. He pulled back, but was still close to my face, and whispered “Alaina, will you be my girlfriend?” My answer was i kissed him again. He pulled me onto his lap and I wrapped my legs around his torso. He carried us both out of the car and into his house. He laid my back down on the couch and continued kissing me. I ran my fingers through his blonde hair and knotted them there. His hands are on my hips, with his thumbs rubbing circles on my bare skin. We pulled away breathless, but not for long. Soon he was on his back and i was kissing him again. After what seemed like ages of kissing, we broke apart with me laying on top of his chest. Our breathing was heavy, looks like i made him breathless too. He started fiddling with my hair and my eyelids started to droop. He whispered to me while I was falling asleep “I love you Alaina…sweet dreams..” and I was out like a light


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