♡Chapter 15♡

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Niall’s POV

She fell asleep again. She is so cute when she is sleeping. I don’t mind it one bit. It gives me a chance to admire her features. Her lips, her cheek bones, her hair, her nose, her eyebrows. Her faint freckles, her tiny hands, her tiny feet, her hip bones, her ears. Her everything. She is just so beautiful. I can’t believe she is mine. I remember when a few weeks ago I couldn’t think of anyone to take to the red carpet event. OH CRAP! I still need to ask her that… I got a text from Harry.


I am taking Jess out tonight, make sure Alaina knows so she doesn’t get worried about Jess.


Go Harry! Haha are you gonna ask her?


Yeah..(: Im nervous though


Don’t be lad, she likes you. I can see it when she looks at you


That’s what Louis said, but I guess I’ll find out for sure tonight


Well good luck!(:

I hope Harry gets a girl too. Then none of us will be an awkward third wheel. But I do still need to ask Alaina to the event. She started to stir and I looked at her. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled. “Have a nice nap sleeping beauty?” She chuckled “Yeah, you’re a pretty good pillow.” She said with a wink. I shook my head and smiled at her. “So um, I needed to ask you something.” yeah it’s probably a good time to do it now. “What?” She said with curiosity in her eyes. “There is this… red carpet thing coming up and…” She cocked her head to the side “You want me to come with you? But wouldn’t I be a distraction?” I shook my head “Oh no no. We are supposed to bring a date. And since I have a girlfriend now they will be expecting you.” I winked at her and she giggled. “I’m not that exciting, but I will go for you.” She kissed me on the lips and laid her head back down on my chest. I smiled at her. “When is it exactly again?” she asked “Next week.” She sat up straight. “NEXT WEEK!!! Oh Niall Horan you are coming shopping with me right now!”  “What?! Whats going on?!” “I need to get an appropriate dress! Come on!” She then started dragging me out the door and we were off.

Harry’s POV

I can’t believe Jess is mine now. She just said yes. I never thought she felt the way I did for her. Then it struck me, I should ask her if she wants to come to that red carpet event too. After we pulled away from our hug I asked her. “Jess?” She looked at me innocently “Yeah?” “Will you go to this red carpet thing with me next week?” She nodded her head “Yeah definitely! But you need to go shopping with me tomorrow to get a dress, I have nothing to wear!” I nodded “Anything for you my lovely.” I kissed her on the forehead and we laid back down on the blanket and looked at the stars.

Alaina’s POV:

I can’t believe he hid this from me?! Well it’s not like he’d think much about it because he practically gets his clothes picked out for him but still! I am very flattered that he asked me to go though. We reached Westfield mall in no time and I dragged him inside. We went in the first store there was and started picking out dresses. Each one I picked out I handed to Niall to hold for me. Then we went back to the dressing rooms and I would model them for him. Almost every single one I picked wasn’t good enough! But then something weird happened that normally wouldn’t for me. I was stuck between four dresses. “Oh Niall what do I do?” He popped in his head “What’s wrong love?” I sat down on the chair in the dressing room. “Which dress do I choose?”

Jess’s POV:

“Hey harry?” I sit up straight and look at him “Yeah?” He says sitting up straight too. “Why don’t we just go shopping now?” He nodded “Ok, whatever you want beautiful.” I started to blush. Still makes me have butterflies every time. We ran to the car and hopped in. Westfield wasn’t that far from where we were so we arrived shortly. I practically ran into the mall from being so excited. I picked out tons of dresses and handed each one for Harry to hold. I went into the dressing room and realized that I had fallen in love with four dresses. “Harry?!” “Babe what’s wrong?!” “I cannot decide which dress to choose!”


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