Alaina’s POV:
I woke up on the couch and sat up to stretch. I looked over and realized that Niall was asleep too. I smiled, he looked cute when he was sleeping. I checked my phone and saw I had a message from Jess.
Hey babe! I was wondering if you and Niall wanted to go on a double date with me and Harry tonight?(: yeah I know I’ll give you the details l8er. But were aren’t together yet.
Yeah sure! I just have to wake up Niall from our couple nap(: haha what time are we going?
Around 6 I’d say
I looked at the clock and noticed it was 5
Alright! see you soon(:
I set my phone down and decided to wake up Niall. I walked over to him on the couch and looked at his soft face. I leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me. “Mmm how long did we sleep?” “Not that long, Harry and Jess invited us to a double date at 6, you better get ready.” He nodded his head alright. I quick drove to my house to pick up some clothes and my makeup bag and brought it back to Niall’s house. I changed into this:
When I walked out, Niall’s eyes widened and then he smiled. “You look beautiful, as always” I smiled back at him “Oh stop lying, you’re just saying that cause I’m your girlfriend.” He shook his head with his eyes wide “No no no! I think you are one of the most beautiful girls in the world and I can’t believe that you’re mine.” He said wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled at him, not being able to put words together. He kiss me softly on the lips. The door bell rang and it was Harry and Jess. Jess was wearing this:
I smiled, every time we are going to the same place we dress very similar. Almost knowing that this is perfect for where we are going. “So are you ready to go?” Jess asked. I nodded my head “Yeah I think so! Where are we going?” Harry smiled “It’s a surprise from us to you.” I looked at Niall and saw that he knew where we were going. We both pretend pouted at not being told where. I grabbed my coat and we headed out. We got to this cute little restaurant that had ivy crawling all up the side of the building. I could smell the bread and the soup wafting outside. When we walked in, we were seated at a table right by a window. It was lightly snowing outside and you could see the London Eye perfectly. I looked at the menu and noticed it was pretty much all warm soups or sandwiches. A cute little place to eat. Niall looked over my shoulder to see what I could be getting. Then he pointed to something on the menu. “I think you should get the broccoli cheese soup in a bread bowl, you would really like it.” I smiled “Actually, I was thinking about getting that. Now I am for sure.” I kissed him on the cheek and he flushed red. Jess was smiling at me. She was obviously happy for me, because it took a lot of courage to get over what happened when I was in high school. The waiter came to our table and started taking our orders. I notice her looking at Niall, checking him out even. I scooted closer to him and grabbed his hand, trying to show her he was taken by me. She still didn’t get the message. He didn’t really seem to notice her flirting, but he didn’t flirt back either. She slipped something under his napkin. I took it out when she left and showed it to him.
“She gave you her number…” I frowned. He shook his head “Alaina, she wasn’t even pretty. I only have eyes for you.” He said squeezing my hand tighter. My body started to relax from his answer and we waited for our food. We had silly banter around the table and the food didn’t take long at all. The soup was AMAZING. Niall really can tell what kind of food I like. When she got the dinner plates we decided that I would share a dessert with Niall and Harry with Jess. Niall and I got a large bowl of peanut butter gelato while Harry and Jess got a lava cake. When the waitress came back with the bill she touched Niall’s shoulder and said “Call me blondie” With a wink. He put his lips into a thin line “This here is my girlfriend, so I’m sorry but I won’t be calling you.” She had this look of shock on her face and ran off. I smiled at him
“You are the best.” He shakes his head “No, you still deserve better.” I smiled. He always thought he wasn’t good enough. We left the restaurant and got back into the car. “Are we going somewhere else now?” Jess asked “Yeah, but that’s a surprise too.” Harry said. He grabbed her hand keeping another on the wheel. Me and Niall looked at each other and smiled. Oh how it felt good to be taken and see your best friend start to be also. When we the car stopped, I notice the London Eye was all lit up, it was still snowing giving it a romantic feel. We got out of the car and started walking toward the eye.
“Are we going on the London Eye?! At night?!” I started getting excited, I’ve always wanted to do this. Niall smiled at me “Yeah, I thought you’d like it.” He started blushing again. I kiss him right on his jaw “You’re too cute Niall Horan.” I grabbed his hand and ran with him to get in line. I got in one with Niall and Jess with Harry. We started slowly descending to the top, and stopped right when we were at the highest point. I looked down upon London and could see everything. “This view is amazing…” I said in awe by how beautiful it looked. “Yeah it is…” I looked at Niall and he was staring right into my eyes. “But I think I’m talking about something different.” He leaned in and started kissing me, it was sweet and sentimental. He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me more, making me hungry for him. I put my fingers in his hair, with his hands running up and down my back. I was just about to kiss him again when the eye jerked back into motion. We pulled away and looked at each other blushing. When we got to the bottom, Niall helped me get out of our seats and kept holding my hand while we waited for Harry and Jess.
“Well, that was fun!” Jess said in excitement, holding onto Harry’s arm “I’m glad you liked it.” He smiled at her. Harry dropped Jess and I off at our flat. “Text me?” I asked Niall. “Of course babe, good night.” He pecked me on the lips and i got out of the car. When we got inside, we started jumping up and down with excitement. “I can’t believe we just went on a double date!!!” Jess exclaimed. “Me either!!! It was so perfect and romantic!!” Jess started to smile “I think Niall really really likes you, a lot. Harry was telling me he NEVER shares food with anyone… and you two just had dessert together!!” I rolled my eyes “He probably did it just to save some money.” Now she was the one rolling her eyes at me “You’re deluding yourself, they are the biggest pop stars on the planet. Why would they need to save money?” I shook my head and smiled at her “I don’t know but I don’t think he could like me that much, I’m just a regular girl when he could have a super model.”
I went into my room and changed into some comfortable pjs. I check my phone and noticed that Niall had texted me.
Hey babe(: had a great time with you tonight. Hang out with ya tomorrow? Sweet dreams beautiful.
Hey(: I had a great time too! and yeah we can hang out at my flat tomorrow. Gnight Niall <3
I smiled and crawled into bed. How could I be so lucky? I never get guys, ever. Why would this perfect, Irish blondie choose me? It will always be a mystery. But I feel as if things are too good to be true.
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