♡Chapter 61♡

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NOTE: Hey guise(: Okay, I think I will be updating every day, but don’t quote me on it! I have dance team tryouts this week, my monthly decided to pay a visit, and the beautiful crush of mine decided to start talking to me so I have a lot on my mind!! Haha(: Anyways, This is coming close to an end!): If I do update every day this week, the fan fic will be done for sure): I know sad! But…keep in mind that a sequel will be coming!!! And yet again I feel like I’m talking to a brick wall -.- please comment on these chapters okay? I know I’m not wattpad or tumblr famous but you could do at least a smiley face huh? Yeah? It would mean a lot! I even accept hate on my chapters as well!! Haha anyways, on with the chappy(:


♡Chapter 61♡

Alaina’s POV:

I stood there and stared at them. I haven’t seen them in almost a year. And we never kept contact. Not that I wanted to….or at least I don’t think I did. Niall catches up to me and grabs my hand. “What’s wrong?” I sigh and point at the people who created me. “My parents are here.” He grinned. “Well can I meet them?” I shook my head. “No, Niall. I never told you about them because they never really cared about what happened to me. As long as I look presentable. I was and never will be close with them.” His smile fell “Then why are you staring at them like you wanna talk to them love?” I sighed again “It’s…complicated Niall. Lets just go.” 

We started walking towards the entrance when I heard that familiar voice. “Alaina! Baby girl!!” I cringed and turned around to find my mom and dad fake smiling at me. “Hi mom, dad…” They bear hugged me and Niall raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes at him and they parted from the hug. “How have you been?!” My mother asked chirpy. “Alright, I guess.” My dad starts to speak up “So I hear you are a super star now?” He grins. Then the light bulb goes off. They only want me now because I am making money. “Yes, I am.” Their faces lit up with greed. 

Niall stepped forward and stuck out his hand. “Hello Mr and Mrs. Falcon. I’m Niall Horan.” My dad shoo his hand carefully, almost as if he would explode if he touched it. “Hello, and you’re..?” “Alaina’s Boyfriend.” My mom smiled and looked at me. “Oh isn’t he handsome!” My dad frowned “I’m not sure you should be dating Alaina.” I huffed and I couldn’t take an ounce more. “Since when did you guys ever care?! All you want now is my money! And you think that being nice to me now would lure me into your trap?! Hell no!!!” I turned on my heel and ran into the park. with Niall behind me.

I stopped right when I reached the gate of the castle and started taking deep breaths. Niall strolled up beside me and turned me to face him. “Alaina, baby, what is going on?” i sighed for about the third time today. “I am done with them, they never cared. Ever. All they want is my money. That’s it.” He frowned “What happened between you and your parents.” I grabbed his hand and started playing with his fingers. “That’s for a different time and different location.” He sighed and I kissed him on the mouth. “Don’t worry about it.” 

We went inside to fantasy land and started at the carosel. We hit pretty much every ride possible and headed over to adventure land. I dashed right over to the flying carpet ride and got in line. I felt someone poke my leg and I looked down to find a little girl with a picture of me. “Could you please sign this Alaina?” She said in sweet little voice. I smiled at her and knelt down to her level. “Of course I can love, what is your name?” She smiled showing her teeth and some missing ones as well. “Paige.” I smirked as I signed the picture. “Well Paige, what do you say about front row seats and back stage passes to my next concert near you?” Her smile grew so wide, you could stretch it all the way across the United States practically. She nodded excitedly and I hugged her. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and handed her the tickets and the passes.

I stood up and saw Niall grinning at me “You are amazing with kids Alaina.” I blushed a bit. “I can’t wait to have one of my own one day…” Niall said in a daze. I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers. “Me too.” I said softly and kissed his cheek. We went on the magic carpet ride and everything that we could hit. And almost every snack stand we could hit as well, with Niall’s big appetite. After a long day at the park, we went back to the hotel to rest a bit before the fireworks. We al hopped onto the monorail back to the resort and I laid my head on Niall’s shoulder. The ride took no more than 10 minutes. I hopped out and ran down to our room to plop onto the bed.

Niall walked right in to find me face down on the bed and chuckled “Tired?” I groaned in response and felt the bed give a bit when he sat down. He laid down facing me and grabbed my waist. “Wanna take a n ap before we go back?” I faced him and nodded sleepily. He chuckled and brushed a hair out of my face. “Night Alaina.” I kissed him on the lips and fell asleep.


I woke up just in time for dinner. We are eating at the O’Hana restaraunt right at our resort. I sat up and stretched to find Niall in the cutest sweatshirt ever. He held up a matching one and grinned “I thought it might get cold so I bought us sweatshirts as well.” I smirked and snactched it from him. I started to pull it over my head and was very satified with how it looks.

(A/N: Side Image)

I looked as us in the mirror and we looked cute. I smiled and locked hands with him. “Leys go to dinner.” We started walking towards the main house and looked at the beautiful sunset. I personally like Florida better, more humidity. We walked in and found everyone waiting for us. “What took you guys so long?! Do you really have to fuck for that long?!” Louis practically yelled as El put her hand over his mouth and giggled. “Sorry for the immature boyfriend.” I laughed. “Hey, you should see him every hour of the day. It gets worse.” She smiled “Good to know.” And gave Louis that parental look. he frowned and kissed her cheek. 

We walked in and the food was amazing! Niall absolutely loved it because it was a buffet of soe sort. I just really like the Pina Colada’s and the dessert is to die for! We hopped onto the monorail to see the fireworks show Wishes at Magic Kingdom park. When we got there, people were already huddled around the castle in a big clump, and the sun hasn’t even gone down yet! We walked around until we found a comfortable place to watch the fireworks. We sat down in some chairs and outside tables for eating. I looked at Niall and smiled widely. “I’m so excited, this is the thing I have always wanted to see most.” He grinned “So you’re happy I took you here then?” I nodded happily and looked back at the Cinderella castle.

As soon as the music started I was taken in by all the action. The fireworks, the music, tinker bell flying! Just as it was all coming to an end, I felt Niall’s hand turn my face towards him. When the music was hitting it’s final notes, his lips crashed into mine. We kissed urgently, almost as if this was going to be taken away from us in a matter of seconds. I heard the booming of the fireworks, the cherring of the crowd, and felt the softness of Niall’s lips. Everything slowed and this kiss felt better than the last. We pulled apart and stared into each other’s glistening eyes. “I love you.” He whispered to me, our faces still inches apart. “I love you more.”


NOTE: HEY! Romantic? Dumb? Ready for the talk about her parents? Well I know it’s uber cheesy to keep up with these couple outfits so that was the last one aha(: I just have always wanted something coupley with a boyfriend. But I never get that shit so I put it in here. Hey, you’re looking at a girl who hasn’t been kissed, cut me some slack! Well, I hope you liked the chapter. Most likely won’t update tomorrow): See ya love(:


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