♡Chapter 13♡

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Niall’s POV:

I woke up with a smile on my face. Last night was the best night I have had in a long time. I don’t think Alaina realizes how much I love her. I mean it’s crazy that I say I love someone when we have only been together for a while, but this feels so right. I roll over and check my phone. It was about 10:00 in the morning and I got a text from Alaina

My Girl(:

Hey Nialler! What time do you want me to come over?

I smiled, she already wanted to see me in the morning and that made me happy.


Oh you can come over now if you want!(: I missed you <3

My Girl(:

Missed you more(; be over in a few!

I wish I could just wake up to her face every morning. Seeing her smile makes me smile and she is just so beautiful, and she doesn’t even know it. I got out of bed and threw on some clothes, just being me comfy old self. I staggered in to my kitchen and poured a huge bowl of cereal, I’ll probable eat another too. I was just brushing my teeth when I heard the front door open and close. I smiled, Alaina is here.

Alaina’s POV

I walked in to his flat and I heard the faucet go off. He emerged from the bathroom wearing comfy clothes. Oh thank god! I didn’t want to be under dressed wearing this:

He smiled at me. “I like that I get to see your face all day.” He gave me a tight hug and I laughed “Oh I’m not that special.” He shook his head at me “To me, you’re everything.” Gosh butterflies will not stop jumping around! “You always make the butterflies in my stomach go crazy!” He laughed “That’s cute.” He then kissed me softly on the lips and headed to the kitchen. “You want anything? I was going to make some cinnamon rolls.” I nodded “Sure, I haven’t had breakfast yet. I’ll make some coffee.” I walked in to the kitchen to make some coffee. He got out some premade frozen cinnamon rolls and put them in the oven. As I was foaming the milk, Niall wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and began kissing my neck. I smiled “You’re distracting from my master piece.” I said with sarcasm. “Oh? So making coffee is better than me kissing you?” I could hear the smile in his voice without even turning around. “Yup!” I said pooping the P. “Well in that case..” He threw me over his shoulder and started carrying me upstairs. “Niall! Niall put me down!!! PUT ME DOWN!” he put me on the bed and started tickling the daylights out of me. “NIALL!!! STOP!!!IM GONNA PEE MY PANTS!!!” I said in between the laughter. He stopped tickling me, and tickled me in a different way. His lips were close to mine, his breath was tickling me now. My breath hitched, and we were about to kiss when the oven beeped. “FOOD!!!!” I laughed at him scurrying downstairs. Man that boy really was hungry all the time, how does he not gain weight? I walked down the stairs and saw Niall pulling out the pan. The stuffed a cinnamon roll in his mouth but spit it out right away, “HOT!!!!” I laughed and came over to him. I kissed him on the mouth tenderly and pulled away. “Is it better now?” He nodded with his face blushing beet red. I smiled at him “Why are you so embarrassed?” he mumbled something but I couldn’t hear him “What did you say hun?” He looked down at the ground then sighed “I love you Alaina!!! That’s why I act like this!!” I was shocked. No one has ever said that to me before…. His face started to get worried when he saw my reaction “No, it’s too soon. I’m sorry I-” I stopped him with a kiss. It was passionate and soft. His lips moved with mine instantly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me up. He carried us over to the couch and laid me down on my back without breaking the kiss. I pulled away breathless as ever and my butterflies felt like they were trying to get out of my stomach. “I love you too Niall.” He smiled “I have been wanting to hear that since the day I met you.” I smiled a genuine smile at him, I can’t believe I finally got a boyfriend and he just told me he loves me. I bet most girls would kill to be the girlfriend of Niall Horan, but i was just dying for a boyfriend in general.”I think the cinnamon rolls are ready.” Niall said getting off of me. I got up and walked in to the kitchen to grab some food. Niall grabbed about six of them and left me two for myself, the perfect amount.

“So, I was thinking we could just watch a movie and chill today.” Niall tried to say in between bites. I nodded “Yeah that is what I was thinking too. But what movie?” He sat and thought for a minute “How about Easy A? I think Emma Stone is hilarious!” I nodded excitedly “Yeah! Great pick!!” We sat down on the couch and put in the movie. Even thought it was inappropriate at times it was hilarious. Niall’s laughter rang throughout the house, it was a beautiful laugh. I almost just sat there every time something funny happened so I could hear his laugh. “How come you aren’t laughing? This is hilarious!!” I started to blush “Erm.. I just… uh… wasn’t really paying attention.” He shrugged it off and turned back to the movie. When the movie was getting to a close I started to get really sleepy. I laid down on to Niall’s chest and decided to close my eyes for just a few minutes. Of course that never works and I fell asleep.

EXTERNAL LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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