♡Chapter 64♡

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NOTE: Hey! Sorry that I don't post often, but this fan fiction only has two chapters left and I don't want it to die yet! Haha but I am excited for the sequel to Love In An Apocalypse. Idk if I will start it right away tho, and I just came up with another story  plot for a brand new fan fiction last night! So, tell me if you want the sequel to Love In An Apocalypse first or the new fan fiction? Please?


♡Chapter 64♡

Alaina's POV:

My breath stopped, my lungs grasping for my oxygen. No more Niall? For another year? I can't do this, I can't even be a day without him!!! He is what keeps me going. I look at Niall and he has the same panic in his eyes. "Alaina, baby, it will be okay. We will skype every night. I will call you when I can and I will always be yours." my mouth made choking sobs come out, and I hugged Niall tightly. Before I knew it, Niall was carrying me in his arms and taking us to the bus stop.

As soon as the bus dropped us off at our stop, we went straight to our room. Niall opened the door with me still in his arms, and laid me down gently on the bed. I curled up into a fetal position and felt the bed dip on the other side. His arm slid over my waist and pulled my frail body close to his toned muscles. I let the tears roll down my cheeks as I tried to fall into sleep.


When I woke up, I felt the dry tear stains on my cheeks still. Niall's arm was still tightly wrapped around my waist. I rested my hand on top of his and sighed. Today is my last full day with my boyfriend before I am shipped off. I am not even sure where I am going for recording. I feel like I have been cheated. They have kept this from me for how long? Things like this don't just suddenly happen. Did Niall know? No, there is no way. He was just as shocked as I am. Was he? I turned around and came to find Niall was awake.

"Good morning." He said huskily. I sighed "Good morning." He took his free hand and caressed my cheek. "What are you think about?" I sighed again and started up "You didn't know about this, did you?" He shook his head. "No, but they obviously had for quite some time. I nodded and snuggled closer to him. "So what do you want to do today?" He asked quietly into my ear. I kissed his jaw line and whispered back. "Just lay in the hammocks with you all day." He gave a small smile and kissed my forehead. "Okay, lets get ready."

I didn't even bother to shower, but I told Niall too because he did smell like BO. I looked through my suitcase to find a comfortable outfit and pulled it on. I put some quick makeup on too and looked in the mirror. Good enough for me, good enough for Niall.

(A/N: Side Image)

Then I started looking for a shirt and shorts for Niall to wear, as you can see he has trouble finding something every morning. I lay out his clothes for him and then hear a knock on the door. I go over to answer it and find Jess holding a box of donuts on her hip and a starbucks coffee cup. I gave her a small smile and she handed me the coffee. "How are you?" I shrugged and took a sip of the coffee. She sighed and looked at me "Alaina, you can't always be with each other all the time. It's not healthy for your relationship. And boyfriends end with?" I sighed "end." I stated sadly and she nodded "That's right." I looked at her with a start "But this is different! Niall and I, are different. I just know it." She smiled "If it is meant to be, then you two will find your way to each other."

Just then the bathroom door opened, revealing a half naked Niall. "I better go, by Alaina!" Jess shouted and exited the room. I gave a small laugh and took another sip of my coffee. Niall pulled on the clothes I laid out for him and looked into the donut box. "DONUTS!!!" He yells and I fall to the floor from the sudden loudness. "JESUS NIALL YOU GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!!!" He chuckled and pulled me off the hotel room carpet. "Sorry babe, but donuts are yummy." I laughed and pecked his mouth. "Well lets eat them before we go out to the hammocks.

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