I woke up in a soon to be familiar bed. Niall Horan’s. Only this time i was accompanied by Niall himself. I roll over and Im facing him. His arm is tightly around my waist and his hand holding mine. I smiled at how cute this looked. But then I started to panic. I looked down and then breathed a sigh of relief. *Phew for a second there I thought we had sex last night* But then i went back and realized we just had heavy make out session. That when i realized how swollen my lips were from kissing him. Man it feels like my lips lost their virginity. I chuckled slightly and Niall shifted a little bit. His eyes started to flutter open. The opened slowly revealing tired eyes. He smiled at seeing me when he woke up and kiss me on the mouth.
“Good morning beautiful.” He said still grinning. “Good morning Horan.” I said smiling back. His smile always just instantly made the corners of my mouth go up into one of my own. “So i guess you actually are my girl now?” He said with a glint in his eyes. I giggle “Yeah, I am Niall’s girl now.” He squeezed me really tightly and was kissing me all over “Ahhh how long I waited for you to say that. The day I met you I needed you to be mine, my princess that I will take care of.” He said still smiling. I shook my head but my smile was growing wider. “Well today we are decorating for Christmas, and I shall help you!”
I hopped out of bed and dressed into this:
I walked back in and Niall looked at me puzzled “But babe, it isn’t Christmas yet.” I shook my head at him “Never too early to dress up for Christmas! Plus we have to get into the spirit if we are decorating today.” He laughed that ringing voice of his and walked over to me and hugged me “Where did you get that outfit any ways? It was definitely not stored at my house” “I had it in my car, in case i ended up somewhere i shouldn’t from what happened last time. And I was correct on that hypothesis.” He laughed again. Gosh that laugh was just adorable. I walked over and grabbed my purse. “You wanna go to starbucks before we decorate?” He nodded “yeah, plus it might be a good idea to actually get some decorations when i don’t have any.” I stood there with my mouth wide open “YOU DON”T HAVE ANY DECORATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS?!?!” He took a step back because I was shouting at him “Woah jeez babe, no I just have never been around by my self to have them. But we can get some, and you can pick them out.” I lightened up because he said I could pick it out and hugged him tightly. “Sorry I scared you there, haha, I just really enjoy this holiday.” I kissed him on the nose and led him out to my car.
It was lightly snowing outside, giving me a deep mood for decorating. When we got to starbucks I was so excited! There holiday drinks were ready and I wanted all of them. “I will have a gingerbread latte grande with a cinnamon roll please.” Niall was still staring at the menu as always. “I’ll have a peppermint hot chocolate with chocolate croissant, a snowman cookie, and raspberry scone.” The lady looked at him like he was crazy as always but took our orders. We got them to go and started eating in the car. He was practically shoving his food down his throat while i just nibbled on my cinnamon roll and sipped my latte.
When we got to the store, I practically ran inside to get all of the decorations. I got a few decorations for my house as well. I got a tall, skinny white tree with bright pink ornaments. And for Niall I got a traditional tree with red and gold ornaments. I practically cleared out the entire outdoor lights section and got anything else that seemed festive. I grabbed some Christmas CD’s for the car and a few candles for my home as well. We rushed to the cash register and piled everything there. When she said the total, I started to pull out my wallet but Niall beat me and paid for the decorations. As we were walking out of the store I turned on him. “Niall you shouldn’t have paid for all that stuff, That was my stuff too.” He shook his head “I’m supposed to spoil my girlfriend, not she spoils me.” I smiled a little “Still! I don’t want to mooch off of you!” “Well you aren’t and you do spoil me by just being here.” I started blushing. He was so cute. I kiss him softly on the lips and kept walking towards the car.
When we got in the car, I put in the Christmas CD. It started playing Last Christmas which is one of my favourites. I was humming along to it when I noticed Niall was singing. He voice is so beautiful. I turned it down a bit so I could listen to him. I felt him looking at me so I looked at him and realized he was serenading me. But in a hilarious way. I tried to hold in my laughter but my face just started turning red. At the end of the song, I let all my laughter out. He was laughing with me too. “OH man Nialler, you’re too funny.” I said grabbing his hand.” He shook his head “Naw I’m just weird.” I smiled at him.
When we got to the house, I unloaded all of the outside decorations and got us to work. Niall was doing the lights on the shrubs while I did the lights on the house. I was going around the house hanging them on the gutter when I got to the corner of his roof. I no longer had anything to hold on to and the ladder was pretty wobbly. I started shaking under neath of me and I got scared. “Woah….woah…” Niall looked over at me “Are you gonna be-” That’s when I started to fall. Just when I was ready to hit the cold hard ground, I fell in to warm muscular arms. I opened my eyes and saw I was in his arms. “Caught ya…” He whispered. I pulled on his collar and we kissed passionately, with the snow falling around us and our noses red from the cold. When i pulled back he had a little bit of snow on his nose. I wiped it off and smiled at him “My prince saved me” He laughed “Oh I wouldn’t let my princess fall!” He put me down so we could do the rest of the house. We finished in no time. We brought in the inside decorations and got to that too. He started setting up the tree while I made us some hot chocolate and got a plate of cookies. When we had the tree we started hanging up the decorations. It went by so fast, we were speed decorating. Then it came to the star. I could reach the top of the tree and was even standing on my tippy toes. All the sudden, Niall lifted me up and placed me on his shoulders. I placed the star on the tree and he walked back so we could look at it. It was perfect. I bent over and kissed him upside down while I was on his shoulders.
“You’re so sweet Niall.” I said with a smile. “Not as sweet as you!” He put me down onto the couch and we sat there, cuddling and sipping our hot chocolate just enjoying each others company.
EXTERNAL LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!