NOTE: Hey guise(: Sorry this chapter is going to be up pretty late/: I had a REALLY busy day, just total chaos. My parents were bitching at each other, I had to go to drivers ed, it was nuts. Anyways, I missed you guise so much! I am glad I get to start updating more often again(: Oh and I have decided I want to become an author after college(: IDK if it’s a good idea, but it’s what I love to do. Anyways, on with the chapter!!
♡Chapter 54♡
Alaina’s POV:
I woke up to the warm sun streaking in through the hotel room curtains. I squinted into the light and turned my head away. I almost smacked right into Niall’s nose. I started to giggle and Niall’s eyes fluttered open. “What’s so funny?” He said in his morning voice. I grinned “I almost smacked heads with you.” He laughed “You are goofy.” I scrunched up my face and kissed him on the lips “Well goodmorning, we find ourselves in Brazil!” He smirked “Goodmorning princess, yes we do.” I crawled out of the bed and realized I was naked. Jeez I do forget that we just had sex last night and then I cringe. Niall laughs at how shy I am around him. “It’s not like I haven’t seen it before!!” My face got really hot and I mutter colorful words before going into the bathroom.
I hopped in the shower and turned on the water. The warm beads of liquid woke up my body. I used shower gel from Bath and Body Works and massaged shampoo into my scalp. I hopped out of my exhilarating shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I strutted out of the bathroom, extracting a chuckle from Niall. I smirked at him and threw a wink. My hands rummaged through my suitcase to find an outfit to wear for the day. I found a suitable one and sat down to do my hair and makeup. I decided to chalk my hair today with a pink ombre, and did my makeup as normal. I looked like I took forever on this look when it only took a short amount of time:
(A/N: Side Image)
When I was done, Niall walked out of the bathroom and acted like I did when I came out. I burst out laughing and hit the floor. Im clutching my stomach with uncontrollable laughter and he just winks at me the same way I did to him. “You look ridiculous.” He frowned “You don’t think I’m sexy?” I grinned and stood up. I walked right up close to him and freed the towel from his waist, letting it drop “You look better this way.” I said winking at him. He rolled his eyes at me and grabbed his towel from the ground.
I looked through his suitcase and grabbed some shorts, a tank to show off his arms, and a snap back. “Here,” I said throwing the clothes at him “This will make you sexy.” He chuckled and started putting on the clothes I gave him. After fully clothed, we put on our shoes and walked down to the lobby. We were greeted by the investigator and he smiled at me. “Hello MIss Falcon, we just need you to be in the area to identify her. So you and Mr. Horan can explore the city and we will call you when we think we’ve got her.” I smiled and nodded “Alrighty, sound like a plan stan!” He raised an eyebrow at me and Niall just laughed.
I grabbed Nialls hand and we ran outside. I looked around and saw the beach swarming with people. Then I noticed an icecream truck and ran over to it, dragging Niall behind me. “Isn’t it a little early for icecream?” I shook my head “Never too early for icecream!!” He chuckled and I ordered three scoops on a cone. One peanutbutter, one chocolate, and one cookies and cream. I began to lick my icecream childishly as Niall paid for the treat. I raised an eyebrow at him “No food for Niall?” He shook his head “I want something else.” We started roaming the streets of the city until we came upon a hot dog stand. This time, I was the one being dragged by Niall.
“Niall! Slow down!! I almosted dropped my icecream cone!!” We came to a stop and he looked at me “Sorry love, I just really want hot dogs.” He ordered about three along with a soft drink. We found a bench to sit on so he could eat his hot dogs and I my icecream. The frozen treat began to melt and drip down the side of the cone. I licked furiously, refusing the icecream to drip onto my skin. Niall took my cone from me and wrapped a napkin around it, and handed it back. I stuck my tongue out at him and he smiled “For once I am the smart one.” I giggled and continued to eat my cone.
After a few hours of just enjoying the sunlight about us, my phone began to ring. It was Niall and I singing our duet for my ringtone. I answered it without looking at the caller ID. “Hello?” “Hello Miss Falcon, we believe we may have found her.” “Great I will-” I was cut of by shouting and yelling. The phone went dead. My eyes widened and I turned to Niall. “Ni-niall….” “What’s wrong Alaina?” I began to shake uncontrollably and looked at him “I think Caroline just killed the investigator….”
We made it back to the hotel to find the police in the lobby. I dashed right up to them “What happened.” I said frantically. They looked at me with sorrow “I’m afraid Caroline killed the investigator and his crew Miss Falcon, we will have to put this through to the FBI. It is no longer safe for you to be in this location. We are terribly sorry to have you come all this way.” I stood there frozen. She killed the investigator. This bitch is after me. My friends. Probably even my family. And most of all, Niall. “What do you suggest we do?” I asked, surprisingly with an even voice. “We suggest you go back to London, but you must get a new house location. And stay on the down low.” I started to shake my head “But we still have the tour in America.” Niall nodded with me “We have body guards sir, we will be safe.” The police man sighed “Alright, but it would be safe to stay in your hotel rooms most of the times, unless you are performing.” We nodded and headed up to our rooms to pack our things.
“Well so much for vacation.” I muttered as I threw things into my suticase. “And this bitch is going to kill us all.” I yanked at my hair in frustration and Niall came over to me. He wrapped his strong arms around me protectively “No body is going to hurt you, we will be fine. We will finish the tour, you will make your album as well. And they will catch Caroline.” I sighed “I sure hope so.”
They had a private jet awaiting to take us all back to the states. I was walking next to Liam when I looked at him “So what did you do in your few hours in Brazil?” He sighed “I didn’t even get to leave the hotel room, I was sleeping most of the time.” I sighed along with him “I’m sorry, you guys shouldn’t have come.” He shook his head “No no, we care about you Alaina. We wanted to make sure you were safe.” I smiled “Thanks Liam.”
We made it to our jet and all boarded pouting. So much for having a break at all. I settled in next to Niall and was just about to turn off my phone when I received a text. It was from an unknown number.
I will find you, I will kill you. You and your blonde irishman. You and your red headed whore who took my Harry. I will kill you all.
NOTE: Oh jeez… sorry for such a short chapter, I love you guys so much and you know this was shorta a filler. Plus I had no idea what to write haha. I just really needed to update. I plan on finisihing this off soon, and then doing my sequel to Love In An Apocalypse! No worries, again I will be doing a sequel to My Last First Kiss. But I hope you still enjoyed this chapter! I spent at least an hour just making the outfit haha(: Love you guise(: