Jess’s POV:
Again, Alaina stayed over at Niall’s after clubbing last night. Why hasn’t Harry taken me home yet? Does he even like me? I sat down on the couch with a big Ben&Jerry’s tub of icecream, my favourite, creme brulee flavored. I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. It was playing the notebook so i decided to watch it. All the sudden, my phone buzzed, making me perk up from my mini depression I was having with myself.
Hey beauiful(:
Hey Hazza! Haha you shouldn’t lie so often, it’s bad for your soul(;
I’m not lying! You just obviously don’t know you’re beautiful(;
Haha, nice. Using a line from your own song XD
Well it’s the truth! Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at my place today?
Yeah! Be over in a few(:
My smile grew wider. Of course he had to at least like me a little bit. But not in the way that I do. No one has ever thought of me that way before. I quickly ran into my room to change my outfit into something cute and comfortable.
I got in the car and started blasting some One Direction. I have been a dedicated fan since the XFactor days, and I can’t believe I am so calm with hanging out with Harry. And I’ve also met all of the other boys, I guess it just hasn’t registered in my brain. I know practically all the songs and have “internet stalked” for forever. But those days are over now. When i reached his flat, it was quite simple, expected it to be more extravagant but I guess to say Harry wouldn’t really care. Before I even knocked on the door it flew open. He was standing there with just sweatpants on that hung dangerously low on his waist, showing his defined abs with all his tattoos…that we knew of.
“Hey.” He said with a dimpled grin. It took me a little longer than it should’ve to reply back “Oh hey, haha aren’t you cold?” He shook his head, his curls bouncing with the motion “No, I don’t like being tied down under clothes all the time.” He just shrugged it off. “Would you like to come in?” I nodded my head “No Harry, I would like to stand out here and freeze my butt off.” I said with thick sarcasm. “Oh well we wouldn’t want that… you have quite a nice bum i’d say.” He said with a wink. I tried not to turn red from embarrassment.
I walked inside and smelled warm tea. I plopped down on the couch and curled up tight to keep warm. He sat down right next to me leaning back. “So what should we do today?” I sat there and thought for a moment “Watch a film?” He nodded “Yeah, lets do it! You pick one out” I looked through his stash and the only one I was in the mood for was love actually. “How bout this I guess, it is a good movie though.” He smiled widely “One of my favourites!” He put in the movie and started it right away. I started to get a little cold and was curling up tighter in my little ball, when Harry threw his arms around me and pulled me close. I looked up at him puzzled.
“ looked… uh cold.” He said nervously by my reaction. I smiled “Thanks” I said softly. He smiled back and faced towards the movie. I could feel that my stomach was about to make a really loud growl, I kept praying that it wouldn’t but of course my body doesn’t listen to me. It made the loudest stomach noise I have ever heard in my entire life. Harry started to chuckle “Well I better make some food for the lady.” He said showing his dimples.