♡Chapter 4♡

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Niall's POV: 

Her lips felt so soft against mine. I could tell she startled, but she kissed me back. We broke apart quickly. 

"I've gotta go." She said. She quickly got up grabbed her stuff. "Maybe we could have dinner?" She nodded "Yeah sure, talk to you tomorrow." 

She walked out of my flat without a word. I started to frown. *Maybe it was too soon* I thought. But i just really needed to kiss her. The way i felt around her was something I’ve never experienced before. I wonder how the date will go tomorrow, maybe i should talk to someone about this. I begin ti dial Liam’s number. It rings three times and then he picks up. 

"What's up mate?"He asks genuinely. I huff a breath before i speak, "I kinda kissed Alaina." "Oh good job mate!"I sigh"Yeah she kissed me back but she left right after that. And she seemed like she was in a hurry.""Hmmm maybe it was too soon?" "That's what i was thinking, but she agreed to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night." "Well lad, you better make up for it real good. Maybe you could take her and then invite her to our concert." "That's a great idea Liam! Thanks lad" I say smiling over the phone. "Anytime Niall!"

I hang up the phone and breath a sigh of relief. I think it will be OK. Tomorrow i will take her to a nice restaurant and to our concert. I quickly slip into bed to get some sleep and dream of our date. 

Alaina's POV: 

I just walked in when Jess pounced on me. "Where were you?!" "I was at Niall's.." I mumble. Her anger soon turns into a grin. "So what did you guys do?" shes says with a wink. "He kind of kissed me" I say nervously. She squeals with excitement, "OMG! Are you together?" I sigh "No Jess, I don't want to go through what i did last time. That was so embarrassing." She frowns "But Niall is obviously different." I shake my head "I will go on our dinner date but i don't think we will be together." She sighs "Fine but lets get to bed so you can have a good night's rest before your big day."

I walk into my room and change into warm pjs and slip into bed. 


I woke up to the harsh morning light coming through my window. I squeeze my eyes tightly not wanting to get up. I finally give up and crawl out of bed. I trudge downstairs to make some coffee. I looke for the beans and realize I haven’t gotten any. I groan. I run up stairs to throw on some clothes to go to Starbucks. This is what i wear

I hop into our car and start driving there. It was a short drive. I walked inside and bumped in to someone. I look up to find Harry was here. 

"Hello!" He says with a smile. I smile back at him "Good morning Harry, I thought you were more of a tea person." He holds up the cups "Yeah i got some tea too." He says with a dimpled grin. "So i heard you're going on a date with Niall tonight?" He questions. I nod "Yeah, I guess so. You know where we are going?" He shakes his head. "Nope, well I hope you have a good morning. See you around!" "See ya Harry!" 

I walk over to the cash register and order my coffee. "I'll have a skinny caramel creme brulee latte, grande please." She nods. I wait for a few minutes and pick up my coffee when its done. I hop in the car to head home, because i really just wanted to relax today. I turn the radio on and here One Direction's new song. 

Oh, I just wanna take you anyway that you like, we could go out any day any night. Baby I'll take you there, take you there. Baby I'll take you there. Oh tell me tell me how to turn your love on. You can get get anything that you want. Baby just shout it out, shout it out. Baby just shout it out yeah

Hmm this must be the one that Jess was ranting about. Soon it got to the chorus. 

So tell me girl if every time we, touch. You get the kind of rush. Baby say yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you don't wanna, take it slow. And you just wanna, take me home. Then baby say yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, and let me kiss you

Great, this made me feel worse about what happened last night. I mean i gotta admit I enjoyed the kiss. Not like I had been kissed before. But I am just too afraid of what happened last time i had a boyfriend. 

*Flash Back* 

I had just been asked out by the hottest guy in school. He was a junior and I was a freshman so i never thought he would ask me out. I have always had a crush on him ever since. He is taking me to the school dance tonight. I was dressing up extra nice to make sure that I was pretty.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe that Jake asked you to the dance!" Jess screamed. "I know me either!!!" We were both smiling like lunatics. "Do you think he will kiss you?!" Jess asked excitedly "I don't know" I said blushing. 


We had just arrived at the dance and i was searching the crowd for him. When all the sudden i hear his voice come on the mic. "Everyone gather around!" I looked up smiling at him and he smiled back at me "I would like everyone to witness mine and Alaina's first kiss together!" He stood close to me. Putting his lips so close to mine, when I feel pop being poured all over my head. He pulls back laughing at me and the whole crowd too. I began to cry because the pop was hurting my eyes. I dashed out of the gym and called my mom. 

*End of Flash Back* 

I could never let myself be embarrassed again, especially world wide. I walked inside the house and plopped down in front of the tv. My phone suddenly buzzed and saw it was Niall. 


Good Morning(: 


Good Morning Niall 


I was thinking i could pick you up at 6? 


Kind of early isn't it? 


Yeah, but i have a surprise after dinner(: 


Oh i hate surprises!! Tell me!! 


Can't do that love! Sorry(: 

I sigh, well i have no idea what to wear now! I decide to wake up Jess so she could help me pick out an outfit for tonight.

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