♡Chapter 49♡

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NOTE: Hey guise(: Sorry this is up later than usual, lol I will be posting quite a bit

tomorrow i’d say, tomorrow is a good day to send stuff to my ask box because i will literally have NOTHING TO DO! Yeah, and Friday as well I’ll be bored as always but I have no school Friday so at least I get to go home haha. Anyways, I hope this is a good chapter! It’s gonna be pretty intense….


♡Chapter 49♡

Alaina’s POV:

My eyes widened and she stepped forward. This mus be a dream, this must be a dream. She came right up to me, whipped out a shiny, metal knife. And stabbed me just below my ribs. I screamed out in agony, and she fled from the scene. The lights flicked on int the kitchen. “Oh no no no, no Alaina no!!” Niall dashed to my body, limp on the floor. He held up my body. My eyes lids started to get heavy. “Alaina, stay with me, staye with me baby.” I started to open my mouth “I love you Niall.” He started to scream for help, and I went under.

Previously that night….

Jess’s POV:

“I am really worried about this relationship.” I stated as we walked through the door of the suite. Harry looked at me and frowned “Don’t let Caroline get to you, you are so much better than her.” I laughed “Yeah but Harry, she is planning on getting rid of me. What is she going to do?” He came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. “I will not, let anything happen to you.” He kissed my nose and I scrunched it up. “I missed you, so, sooo much.” I kissed him on the lips, softly, and let the warmth of our bodies spread. 

Harry started softly biting my lower lip. I grinned into the kiss and let him in, cheeky fellow. His tongue reigned power in my mouth, and I liked it. He lifted my skinny thighs around his waist and pushed us against a wall. I let my hands run through his curls, tugging at them. His hands stayed at my thighs for support. His lips left mine, and found the hollow of my throat. Love bites, appeared after every kiss from his mouth. I moaned as he reached my weak spot. I felt his lips curl into a smile against my skin. He rushed us over to the bedroom and laid me down on the bed.

He broke his body away from mine to pull off my shirt, and then I pulled off his. He llooked down at me with lust. He started kissing up my stomach to my mouth, slowling inching off my shorts. I smiled into the kiss as I kicked off my shorts at last. I reached for his pants and tore them off.

We rode our highs and laid there, gasping for air. We went to bed, bare bodies intertwined with each other. I was awakened by the high pitch scream of Alaina, and soon to be heard Niall’s calls for help. 

Niall’s POV:

We were rushing into the emerergency room, with Alaina in my arms. My hands are pressed to her wound, attempting to subside the bleeding. I was whispering my prayers for her, softly in her ear. Begging her not to leave me. Who did this? She surely wouldn’t do it to herself would she? No, she has overcome this stuff. She just wrote a song about it and even got a tattoo! Just stay calm, we have reached the hospital.

I burst through the doors with Alaina still in my arms “We need a doctor!” Nurses were rushing at the sight of the incident and I followed them as far as I could back. I went back to the waiting room, wringing my hands with worry. Please don’t die, no my love please. People were saying things to me, but my mind didn’t register. All my mind was saying is “Don’t let Alaina die.” My mind went at it for hours. Soon my friends gave up trying to talk, because of my lack of response. They fell asleep soon, but I stayed up. My mind kept swirling in possibilities of who could’ve done this. Of course Caroline came into mind, but is she really that delusional? The doctor came through the big doors and I bolted out of my seat. “Is she alive?” He nodded “Yes, but holding on by a thread. We have her stabalized and she will need to get blood infusions for days. But she will live.” I breathed a sigh of relief. My princess is still here. “May I see her, Doctor?” He nodded, “Only one visitor at a time though.” I didn’t even listen to him though, I just focused on seeing Alaina. I reached the room with her name on the outside and opened the door quietly. 

There she lay, sleeping. He chest is rising and falling to the rhythm of the beeps. She has one for her heart, one for her lungs, and many others I don’t understand. There is a large bag of blood hanging, and an IV dripping the blood into her veins. I grabbed her soft, small hand and held it in mine. I kissed it and started to whisper “I love you Alaina, thank you for staying with me princess.” I laid my head down on the bed, and fell asleep right at her bed side. 

Alaina’s POV:

I woke up in a hospital bed. I looked to my left and saw Niall asleep. I smiled, he stayed with me for the night. I slighty shook him and he awoke. HIs eyes fell upon mine and he hugged me, gently though. “I thought I was going to lose you…” I saw tears form in his eyes. “Niall, I would never leave you.” I hugged him again, letting tears fall out of my own. The doctor walked in. “Well Alaina, you will be stuck here with us for a few days, do you remember at all how this incident happened?” I started to think back and then the witch popped in my head. “Someone stabbed me.” He nodded “I will get the police here to question you.” He walked out of the room and left me and Niall alone.

“Who did it?” Niall said, obviously wanting to kill the person who did. I said it through my teeth “Caroline.” He pounded his fist into the side table “God dammit I knew it! I am going to KILL her!” I put my hand on his arm to calm him down “No need for killing, the police will handle this.” 

The police came into my hospital room and asked me questions for hours. I hope they got enough information. I did give them the person after all. They questioned Niall as well and left looking satified. “Well hopefully we can get rid of her for good.” Niall said kissing my nose. I smiled “I hope so.” 


NOTE: Hey(: Sorry if it is short but OMG I’m soooooo tired! I need to sleep. I only get about 6 hours of seep a night guys. I need help haha. Well it was intense right?! I will definitely go into more detail tomorrow when I am awaked and have caffine in me! Good night guise(: and thanks so much for reading!


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