NOTE: HEY GUISE!!! Ermahgurd! Today she has her first concert(: I know, very exciting! Haha well I hope you enjoy this chapter, I hope it is a great one. I have been holding the outfit for this chapter for like 3 weeks. I know, I prepare a little too much lol. Any who, this chapter and one tomorrow before the New Years special. And I am not updating Tuesday so sowwy): I am just too lazy to do it, and I’ll see if I can Wednesday, I do start up school again on that day and I’m going to a new school so I might be tired and not. WHO KNOWS! lmao, I’ll stop talking now and get to the chapter!
♡Chapter 33♡
Alaina’s POV
I was just about to run on stage, I could hear the screams get louder as they counted down. I ran out and everyone was screaming. Then, they started laughing. I was confused, so I looked down. Oh my dear lord. I’M FUCKING NAKED!!! I started panicking. I crawled up in a little ball on the stage.
I woke up panting and sweating like no tomorrow. I sat up quickly and threw the sheets off of me. Oh thank god it was just a dream. I started to worry about today’s concert. What if they don’t like me. Then I looked down at the tattoo on my wrist and Niall’s words played through my head. Believe in yourself. I sighed and ran my thumb across the tattoo. Niall woke up and sat up next to me “Why are you up?” He asked in his morning voice. I sighed again “Bad dream, I was performing my part of the concert. Naked.” he tried not to laugh, but failed. I smacked his arm. “OW!! I’m sorry Alaina, it’s just….that’s hot.” He said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed to get some water. It was about 5 in the morning. Swell. Too early to be up but too late to go back to bed. Plus I wasn’t tired. I decided I would take a shower.
I walked into our massive bathroom and stripped down to my skin. I hopped in the shower letting the hot water run over my body. It felt so good this morning, I rubbed shower gel on my body and shampooed and conditioned my hair. When I was done, I wrapped a towel around me and realized I forgot my bra and underwear. I sighed and walked into our room. Niall was sitting on the bed on his laptop. Probably looking at twitter. I rummaged through his suitcase. He looked up “What are you looking fo- ah!” I grinned still looking in his suite case. “Like what you see Horan?” I could almost feel the heat from where I was when he was blushing. He started to stammer “Uh… I… Uh…You look…nice?” I chuckled and found a shirt of his to wear with some sweats of mine. I slipped my underwear on with my towel still around me and put my bra over my towel then pulled the towel out from under it. Niall started to clap “Now that, was impressive.” I smiled “You learn tricks on how to keep your body covered when you’re in the awkward stage of Jr. High gym.” He nodded. I pulled over his shirt and on my sweats. I found my blow drier and started drying my hair. It didn’t take long. As soon as I was done, I plopped down on the bed next to Niall.
“So, how’s twitter?” He smiled “Good today actually, a lot of our fans are giving you luck tonight.” I smiled. I pulled out my IPad and decided to check my twitter as well. He was right, a lot of people were actually being nice to me today.
@Alain_and_Niall:Good luck tonight on stage @Alaina_Falcon! Will be cheering you on! xx
@1Dergirl: Have fun on stage with the boys tonight @Alaina_Falcon!
@Aill_shipper: I can’t wait to see you sing with @Niall_Official tonight @Alaina_Falcon!
I smiled at that one. I decided to follow her and a few others before getting off. My stomach rumbled and I groaned. It was about 6 in the morning so the rush at starbucks would be insane if I went. “Can we order room service?” Niall nodded “Sure love, I’ll call them up.” He went over to the phone and called for some food. I cuddled up close to him because I was seemingly cold. He grinned “You want some Horan lovin huh?” I burst out laughing at this “Oh you are just TOO funny Nialler.” He pretended to be shocked “I thought I was being sexy!” I grinned “Oh, you’re ALWAYS sexy.” I said with a wink. I rolled on top of him and kissed him. He kissed me back and I bit on his bottom lip, causing a moan to escape his lips. Maybe, just maybe I can get it out of him. I have been craving him for days. I started putting my hands up his shirt, making designs with my fingers on his toned stomach. Just then a knock came to our door. Niall practically threw me off of him to get the food. I groaned comically. When really I was dying for him.