♡Chapter 65♡

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NOTE: Hey guise! Last chapter of this fan fiction): I know sad! I will be taking a break before I start with the sequel to Love In An Apocalypse. If you didn't know, the sequel is called The Aftermath. I just posted a sneak peak of the characters yesterday so if you haven't seen it, check it out(: Hope you have enjoyed reading this fan fiction as much I as have writing it. And don't worry, there will be a sequel(:


♡Chapter 65♡

Alaina's POV:

I woke up to the feeling of Niall softly stroking my hair. Our legs are tangled together, bare skin touching each other. I smile as I remember what happened last night. Ever time we make love it feels better and better. I open my eyes and meet the sparkling blue ones of my love. "Good morning." I say smiling up at him. He kisses my forehead and mumbles into my skin "Good morning, we should probably get up. Your flight leaves soon." I frown, remembering that I have to say good bye to Niall today. "I don't want to go Niall." I say in a baby voice. He frowns "I know love, but it's for your career. And you can't just let that go to waste." I sigh "I don't even know where I am going." "California, that is where you will be recording as we keep going with our world tour." 

I kiss Niall softly on the lips. "Kiss me like we will never see each other again Niall." He kissed my lips passionately, leaving tingles on them with every kiss. Soon there was a knock on our door and I saw a peeping Louis, Harry, and Zayn looking through our window as Liam tries to pull them away. I giggle "We should probably get up and get ready." I hop into the shower and shampoo my hair to death, then slather conditioner all over and rinse it all off. When I walk out, Niall is already dressed surprisingly, and packing his things. I sigh and start looking for a comfy outfit to wear on the plane. I chose quickly and throw my hair up in a pony tail and do some makeup.

(A/N: Side Image)

As soon as I'm done, we walk out of the room to meet with the rest of the group. I'm not the only one who is leaving the boys. All of the girl friends decided to come with me to California for moral support. "Guys you really don't have to come with me." Perrie shook her head "No, it's fine! Plus Little Mix is working with you on the album anyways so I would be there no matter what." She grinned when she noticed my surprised reaction to this news. "I'm.....working with....LITTLE MIX?!?!?!" Everyone laughed and Perrie hugged me. "Well I'm happy you're excited to be working with us." I blush at how embarrassing my fan girl moment was, but let it pass when the magical express arrived to take us to the airport.

When we arrive at the airport, we all go through our security and meet up at the end to walk to our terminals. We walk until our groups have to go separate ways, and then the hugging, crying, kissing fest begins. I walk right into Niall arms and rest my head in the crook of his neck. "I wish you could come with me." I whisper into his skin. "I wish I could too, but we will talk everyday I promise princess." He pulls away a bit to look at me. "I want to remember this beautiful face in person before I leave. I chuckle slightly as a tear rolls down my cheek. "Don't cry, please. Smile for me Alaina." I gave him a goofy smile and he laughed. "That's better." He pulls me back in for a hug. "Niall! It's time to go!" we start to pull apart and I turn around, but am abruptly pulled to face him and his lips hit mine hard. We kiss in front of everyone in the airport, not caring that the paps are getting great stories on this right now.

When we pull away a bit, Niall whispers close to my lips "I love you." "I love you too." Our hands slip away from each other and we walk our separate ways. I keep looking back and so does he. Tears well up in my eyes and I face forward to go to our plane. When we arrive at the gate, we have to wait a bit before we can be seated on the plane. I take this time to tweet to my followers.

@AlainaOfficial: Off to California for recording! Going to miss my prince @NiallOfficial so much): love you <3

As soon as it is sent, I get tons of tweets saying they are excited for my album and think Niall and I are so cute together. Then I notice I got a tweet from Niall.

@NiallOfficial: I'm going to miss my princess more, I love you too @AlainaOfficial <3

I smile at this and retweet and favourite it. Too soon, it's time to go onto the plane. I sit down in my chair with Jess right beside me. I sigh and she grabs me hand "It's going to be just fine Alaina." She smiles at me and I give her a small one back. "Promise?" I say holding out the pinky with our matching tattoo. She grins and links her pinky with mine "Promise."


NOTE: Yeah yeah I know, short last chappy. But really, what else could I do? I would give away too much about the sequel if I went on(; I know you guys are dying to continue but you'll just have to wait! I might give little sneaks peaks here and there tho(: I hope you enjoyed it and love you all!!!

Twitter: 1_Directionah

Instagram: One_Directionah

Kik: 15blondiebabe


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