♡Chapter 56♡

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NOTE: Hey guise(: Happy valentines day!!! Dude, I dunno about yours… but mine kinda sucked! Except for the fact I went shopping and got candy haha but um, my crush might have given the girl I despise flowers…..Yeah. I just wanna curl up in a ball and die…. Well lets get to romantic with Niall and Alaina! Haha I’m so sorry I haven’t been updating): I am ashamed of myself. I have literally no excuse, you have every right to be mad at me!! Well, here is your valentines day special(:


♡Chapter 56♡

Alaina’s POV:

My mouth dropped wide open in shock. Then out of no where, I was hit hard on the back of my head. My eyes started seeing stars and my vision started to blur. Then everything went black. 


I wake up to the sound of rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor. My eye lids slowly start to open, and focus on the blonde mess of hair sitting by my bed. “wher- where am I?” I stuttered in a groggy voice. Niall looked at me and grabbed my hands softly “You are in the hospital, Caroline knocked you out a few days back.” I rubbed my eyes so that I could focus on his face better. HIs forehead showed worry lines and his blue orbs stared deeply into my emerald ones. “I’m fine, what day is it?” “February 14, valentines day.” I widened my eyes “No! I didn’t get to get you a present!” Niall chuckled and cupped my cheek with his hand “You, here right now, is all I’ll ever need. More than any present.”

The doctor came through the door and smiled a toothy grin at me. “Hello Miss Falcon, you are being dismissed today. Just make sure you don’t stand up too quickly or run around. And take some tylenol when needed.” He signed a slip and exited the room. I looked to Niall and he showed his beautiful smile to me “Ready for a fun Valentines Day?”

We exited the hospital out the back so I wouldn’t be hounded by the paps. We hopped into the usual black van and headed to our hotel. Niall took my hand and walked up to our suite with me. When we got inside the room, he turned to me and grinned “Change into casual clothes, I will be waiting for you in the living room.” I smiled and turned into the bedroom. I started to look through my things to find a suitable outfit for the day. I took a shower, because I smelled like a hospital, and blow dried my hair. I decided to ombre the ends pink again, it looked nice on me, and did my regular makeup. I was ready to go all in about a half hour. Record time!

(A/N: Side image to the left)

I dashed out into the liviing room and hugged Niall from behind. “I’m ready to go.” I said kissing him on the cheek. He turned around and kissed my forehead, and intertwined his fingers with mine “Lets go love.” 

We walked down into the lobby and out the doors, I was expecting to see a black van, but found a red Audi R8 outside. I looked at Niall will my mouth open wide. He just grinned at me “Thought we could go in style.” He opened the passenger door for me and closed it behind me. He slid across the top of the hood and I whistled at him. He laughed his muscial, Irish laugh and hopped in the drivers seat. He turned on the car and revved the engine loud, I laughed loudly with it, barely even able to hear my voice. He got it moving and the wind was whipping my hair everywhere. 

I turned on the radio and started jamming to Thrift Shop. I attemtped to rao the whole why while Niall just laughed. I frowned “Let me see you rap then!!” Niall attempted to do the same song as me and I ended up laughing as well. He frowned at me and I rolled my eyes “Well now you know how it feels.”

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