I couldn’t believe this! Jess is going to be so mad when she realizes I’m at a One Direction concert! I was surrounded by screaming girls, with signs that say “Kiss me I’m legal” “I like carrots Louis!” “One Direction lights up my world”. Wow these fans are dedicated. Soon they started the count down and the scream started to become louder and louder. The boys ran onto the stage, Niall doing this tremendous leap i didn’t think could be possible. And they started with Live While We’re Young.
♫Hey girl I’m waitin on ya, I’m waitin on ya. Come on and let me sneak you out. And have a celebration, a celebration. The music up the windows down. Yeah, we’ll be doing what we do. Just pretendin that we’re cool, and we know it too. Yeah, we’ll be doing what we do. Just pretendin that we’re cool, so tonight.
Lets go, crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun. I know we only met but lets pretend it’s love. And never never never stop for anyone. Tonight lets get some, and live while we’re young!♫
They were actually better live than on the radio, if that’s even possible. Then it got to Niall’s part and he came right over to me and sang it to my face.
♫Yeah, we’ll be doing what we do. Just pretendin that we’re cool, so tonight.♫
He winked at me after his part and ran over to join the other guys. I heard a ton of girls freak out thinking he was looking at them. I just kept this goofy smile on my face the whole time. They were amazing singers, and amazing people, with amazing looks. What did god create here?! I was dancing to every song they sang, not giving a care. I sang at the ones that i knew really well and just sang the chorus for the ones i didn’t know. Then came the song me and Niall were singing in the car, Kiss You.
♫Oh i just wanna take you anyway that you like. We can go out any day any night. Baby I’ll take you there, take you there. Baby I’ll take you there. Oh tell me tell me how to turn your love on. You can get get anything that you want. Baby just shout it out, shout it out. Baby just shout it out yeah. And if you, you want me to. Lets make a move. So tell me girl if every time we
Touch, you get this kind of, rush. Baby say yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah. If you don’t wanna, take it slow, and you just wanna, take me home. Baby say yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah. And let me kiss you!♫
I was singing my heart out with them, because this actually was a really good song. Then it came to Niall’s part again and he genuinely started singing to me again. But you can tell he ment this line while as before he was having fun.
♫Oh I just wanna show you off to all of my friends. Making them drool on their chinny chin chins. Baby be mine tonight, mine tonight. Baby be mine tonight yeah.♫
I was smiling at him but then realized he really did mean it. I really do like him, but I just met him. And I don’t want to get hurt. Girls like me don’t usually get good looking guys. I have never had a boyfriend. I continued to have fun though, I wasn’t going to let one little thing bring me down. Before the last song ended, one of there body guards escorted me backstage.
“Hi I’m Paul, the official babysitter of One Direction.” I laughed “That’s cute, are they really that crazy?” He nodded “Yeah, but thanks to Liam they aren’t in jail yet so we should be good.” I laughed again
I liked Paul, he seemed like a really nice guy. Then all the boys ran in sweaty from their concert. Niall ran up to me and gave me a big hug.
“You guys were amazing out there!!!” I exclaimed giving Niall a big smile. “Thanks babe!” he says returning my smile with his own. I gave each of the boys a hug for doing a great job tonight. Then Niall offered to drive me home.
On the ride home it was kind of quiet, but the silences we had were never awkward. When we reached me flat, Niall walked up to my door with me. I started to fiddle with my keys a bit and looked down at the ground with a small smile.
“But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell. You don’t know, oh oh, you don’t know you’re beautiful.” Niall sang softly.
He took my chin and lifted my head up. He brought his lips close to mine and softly kissed me. Then whispered in my ear. “Goodnight Alaina.”
He turned around and went back to his car. I stood there in shock for quite some time. It’s obvious that Niall really likes me. Suddenly the door to our flat opens and there stands Jess with a big grin on her face. “You guys kissed again!!! OMG!!! Was the concert good? Where did you guys eat? Tell me everything!!!” I looked at her with my eyes still in shock. Then mumbled “I’m kind of tire, I’ll tell you about it in the morning.”
I went to my room and pulled on my pjs. My phone buzzed and I checked to see who it was.
Hope you had a good night, maybe we could do that again some other time?(:
Definitely Niall(: Good night
Sweet dreams(;
I was smiling like and idiot after reading that text. I fell asleep with a happy heart, but a very hazy brain.