NOTE: Hey guise! I think I will do the two chapters tomorrow! Today was a busy day for me and I had to buy a ton of clothes for my new found empty closet haha(: Well I’m sorry for the sucky chapter yesterday and guess what! It is the performance today! I’m so excited that Alaina is back and she has a new song(: Other surprises will be in here as well! On with the chapter!
♡Chapter 42♡
Alaina’s POV:
I woke up with excitement in my stomach. Today I start performing again! I have to get to Jake’s suite by noon, and then we head over to the venue for sound check. I looked at the clock. We have got some time! I decided I should get up and eat, get ready, then skype Jess. I hadn’t talked to her in awhile and I need to see what she thinks of this whole Caroline thing… I rolled out, successfully not disturbing Niall. I sauntered over to our kitchen and fixed some nutella toast with a glass of milk. I sat at our small table and decided to tweet while I ate breakfast.
@Alaina_Falcon: I get to go back on stage tonight! So exciting(: Revving up by eating Nutella toast!
I quickly sent it and got tons of replies sending me luck and saying they are happy to have me back on stage. This one girls tweet made me grin
@nialaina_forevs: I’m sorry that stupid bitch Caroline did that to you. Harry really shouldn’t be dating her, and Niall should whoop Harry’s ass for letting her do that.
I retweeted it and favourited it. I finished up my nutella toast and went into our room to change into some comfy clothes. I quickly picked something out and threw my hair up in a stylish messy bun and did some make up. I actually looked comfy casual today:
(A/N:Image on the left)
I walked over to where my laptop was and opened it up. I looked at skype and saw the Jess was on and called her right away. She answered in no time.
“Hey girl!!” I laughed “Hey, what’s up?” She sighed “Well this whole thing between Harry and fake gfs is pssing me off. First it’s Taylor then its Caroline! What’s next? Lady Gaga?” I burst out laughing at this “You know, he is just as upset as you. And the rest of us are as well. But I have great news!” She smiled “I saw your tweet Alaina, I’m so excited for you! Did you write a new song?” I nodded “Yeah! Do you want me to sing it for you?” She nodded.
I sang her my entire song and she praised for about 15 minutes how “Amazing” It was. Too soon I had to hang up and promise a phone call. “I miss you Alaina.” Jess pouted her lip “I miss you too, I’ll try and fly you in soon. I love you!” “Love you too!” She hung up the call and I sighed. TIme for me to wake up the Irishman. I galloped over to our king sized bed and shook Niall’s body. He groaned very loudly and I chuckled. I kissed him softly on the lips and his eyes opened. “That’s a better way to wake me up.” He said smiling, showing those cute braces of his. I grinned “Well it’s time to go practice with Jake.” He sighed. He got out of bed and I threw him a shirt and some sweats with a beanie. He is really hot when he wears a beanie personally. We walked out of our suite and down to Jakes, to find that Gina was there as well.
“Hey girl!” I said with a smile on my face. She looked up from her ukulele and smiled. “Hi! we were just jamming before you guys got here.” I grinned “You sing?” She nodded “Yeah, I sometimes help Jake with clients.” Jake smiled “She is going to be your concert wear manager as well as help you with singing. I love working with you Alaina but my voice can’t help you reach those high notes.” I laughed “Awh but will I ever work with you?” He nodded “Of course, I’m going to help you write songs.” My face brightened up “This is the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
We got to work right away and sang through my whole set list, including the new song Gold. Gina looked like she was very impressed with my voice, not have hearing it before. After we were done, Gina pulled me to the side. “You have an amazing voice Alaina, I can’t wait to start working with you on it. I have picked out your outfit for tonight, I based it on other outfits you have been wearing. I really like this style you have, it suits you well.” I smiled “Thanks Gina, I am really excited to be working with you.”
We exited the suite and got into the van with the rest of the boys. They all looked like they had just woken up. Zayn was still sleeping and Harry was texting away on his phone. His face looked very frustrated. Louis yawned and leaned on Niall’s shoulder. I rolled my eyes and focused on the scenery passing by as we drove. We reached the arena in no time and we went straight to the stage. Tonight we are just having a private sound check. We all sat around and messed about not really doing much.
Afterwards we went to our dressing rooms to get ready. I pulled on the outfit Gina had set out for me and sat in the chair, allowing my hair and makeup artists to mold me. After I was done, I looked pretty stunning.:
(A/N: Image on the right)
Gina did a really good job. I was finished just before I had to go out. Enough time to get good luck hugs from the boys. Harry kind of stood in the corner, I knew he was texting Caroline or either management. But all the other boys wished me luck and gave me hugs. I ran out on stage and was overwhelmed by the screams that greeted me. I grinned brightly to the crowd. “You all miss me?” They screamed even louder. “Well I have a new song for you! And I’m going to start out with it.” They screamed louder, I laughed into the mic. “This is called, Gold.”
I began singing the lyrics of my new song. People started to catch on with the chorus and would sing along with me. I grinned as everyone seemed to be enjoying it. I hope they get the message across. I sang through my set list with ease and then Niall came and joined me for our duet. I hugged Niall and thanked the crowd for having me and ran off of the stage. I dashed to my dressing room, in desperate need of food and water. I opened my door to find the wretched witch. Caroline.
NOTE: OH SNAP! Haha what do you guys think of management making Caroline and Harry date? Why do you think Caroline is there? What will she do? I hope you like how I incorporated Gina in the chapter and with Alaina(: I know some of you were worried I wasn’t going to use her that much as a character, but I did! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please give me feedback if you don’t like something about it! Love you guise and thank you so much for reading!