Disney Darling 🥺

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A/N~ we love my poorly photoshopped pic bahahaha oh well iTs fOr tHe aEsThEtic / extreme Smut Alert a little bit of pet names and all that good stuff smh

We arrived at Disney and I couldn't be happier. Could you blame me? I was with my best friend and at a place I'd always wanted to go, and he knew that. We skipped around like little kids while holding hands for the longest time. He gave me a piggy back ride and we went towards the Christmas light show, which I was very excited about.

"Bellaaaaaaa!!" He said my name in fake whining tone. "Yessssssssssss Remmmiiii?" I copied him. "You get your surprise soon." I blushed and laughed. "Really now?" I started poking him and then the light show started. He pulled me into his side and played with my hair.

*2 hours later*

We made our way through the park but we didn't get to see all of it. He promised me that back at home he'd take me again and we would get to see more and even spend the night at one of the hotels. We made our way back to the center, the front of the castle. I was so happy. He asked a couple strangers if they would take pics of us until one finally agreed. It was dark and I couldn't see anyone's features except Remington's because he was so close to me.

He took both of my hands and and I thought it was just for a picture, but words came flowing out of his mouth. "Bella? Hey. So. Gosh I don't even know how to do this." He hugged me and took my hands again.

"It's been 8 quick months and I couldn't be happier. Hell, even Emerson can tell a difference. He helped me come up with this plan, and we just so happen to get stuck here, it gave me some time to think about this, I really did. You mean everything to me and I couldn't see myself without you. Bella, will you take this ring until you can be my wife?" I gasped so hard. My hands jerked from his to my mouth as he got on one knee. All I could do was shake my head aggressively, up and down. There was faint clapping but I ignored it. I kissed Remington.

He laughed and motioned the stranger to come and give him his phone back. The stranger was Emerson. Sebastian, Larisa, Shy, Micheal, and Andrew all came from almost no where to hug us.
"We were all in it. He hasn't stopped talking about this for months." Andrew said with a smile. Remington slipped the ring on my finger and held my hand. Gosh. I loved this dork too much. Sebastian automatically started making jokes and Remington started wrestling him. Yes, this is what I loved. I've never been so happy.

Remington came back towards me while the others were walking ahead. "DONT BE MAKING OUT NOW!" Sebastian had to yell that at Disney... didn't he? Remington shook his head and kissed me again. That's all I felt like I could do.

"I'd give it a couple days to settle in with you, then we can announce it okay?" He said that so softly as he pulled me into his side as we kept walking towards the exit. I nodded and couldn't stop smiling. "Thank you baby." I smiled and looked in his eyes. "No, thank you."

We finally arrived back at the rental "hotel" and everyone seemed pretty tired. Remington went to the fridge and got pulled out something and grabbed 2 forks and headed towards the bedroom. I followed him.

"Cheesecake, the plain one, you said that's your favorite, right?" I smiled. It was. "Yes Remi. It is." I went to grab a fork but he pushed my hand away. "No! Let me." What? I sighed and sat there. He took a scoop of mine with the fork. "Hey! That's mine." I pretended to be hurt, but I wasn't. He smiled and stuffed the fork full of cheesecake in my mouth. He smiled and he started eating his.

"One more thing. Well, more then one but whatever." He said and smiled with a cheesecake full mouth. He sat a small container up where we were sitting on the bed. "Chocolate covered strawberries. You're weakness. Well one of your weaknesses." He winked at me. He was knew he was my main weakness. And I'd probably give into him soon. And he knew that.

We finished the deserts and he pulled me into his lap where we faced each other and my legs were around him. "Gosh, I love you Bella. I can't just celebrate with food. I need you." I smiled and let him take control. "You make it too easy love." He got up and threw me on the bed. He locked the door and slowly took his shirt off.

I remembered 8 months ago when we first did this and haven't done it since. I knew he would break soon but I thought it would've been sooner than this, but, I'm not complaining.

He hovered over me and I started having unholy thoughts really fast. I grabbed at his necklaces, especially the one I'd broke last time. And I broke it again. Shit.

He rubbed my hair and threw the necklace to the side and started taking my shirt off. I shivered a little bit but I was always cold. He picked me back up and I wrapped my legs around his waist again.

He pushed me into the wall and pinned my arms above my head. And then there's where I was weak; His neck kisses and ear nibbles. I moaned, but tried to stay quiet. "You're giving me pleasure early Bella." Yes, yes I was. But I wanted this worse than he did.

He kissed me all over and started undoing my bra. As he got that undone he started massing my breasts, another weakness. He was playing with his words.

Well at least one of your weaknesses...

As he purposely made me moan again, he let his tongue take dominance and kissed me ten times harder than before. My arms were let go and naturally they went around his neck. "Are you ready Bella?" I nodded and started kissing him again. He turned us around and threw me on the bed again. He took off his tight pants and sighed of relief.

I laid there as he smothered his mouth all over me. He liked to tickle my waistline as he kissed it. It made me squirm. He took one of my belts and made handcuffs, tying them to the headboard. I didn't fight him on it, I kind of liked how rough he was being, even though this wasn't considered rough.

His boxers showed his bulge and precum. He was embarrassed but he wouldn't be once he saw me. I was worse. But he created this mess.

He got on his knees and crawled on top of me, sitting on my waistline. He took his boxers off as the full member seemed to jump out at me. I started looking up at my hands until he got the hint to undo them so I could play. "We aren't doing something quick tonight. I want you as long as you can handle." He whispered in my ear and raised back up.

I nodded and put in my hands and started stroking it towards my mouth. He seemed very surprised on how quick I was to put it in my mouth. He saw this as a chance to pull my hair so my mouth was far up as possible but I began to choke very easily. He didn't want his brothers to hear and get mad or tease him even worse so he stopped and let me go on my own speed. I was upset but I didn't mind.

"You're a very good kitten Bella." He rubbed my cheek as I pulled him out of my mouth. "Are you ready?" He didn't give me time to answer before he started pulling my jeans off and rubbing my legs. "You're so beautiful Bella." The only thing left was my soaked underwear that he started pulling off with his teeth.

He smirked and started nibbling on my ear again so I would loosen up. His fingers teasing me as he stuck them in with no warning. I shouldn't have been surprised. He stuck his finger in my mouth, again with no warning. It didn't taste like anything really.

He kissed my inner thighs, leaving marks. I'm sure there would be a lot of marks on my body tomorrow. He place a hand on the headboard and one on him to guide it in. He gave me a small pillow to bite down into and with that, full force it was in me. He placed his thumbs on top of me and the rest of his hand along my sides. He picked up pace quickly and my high came even quicker.

Eventually, we reached a point to where neither of us could go any longer. He gave me one of his shirts and a clean pair of my underwear and told me to put it on just in case. His brothers were nosey after all. He put on some sweatpants and cuddled me close.

"I love you Bella, you mean the world to me. And I'm glad you feel the same. And we can be together, forever, with no worries. No matter the circumstances. Okay?" I was too weak to talk. He handed me some water. "Yes Remi. I love you too. Goodnight." He kissed my ring and cuddled me even closer.

HIM 🖤 (a Remington Leith fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now