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"Remington, can we shop tomorrow?" I was very tired and a little sunburnt. Pale skin and sun didn't mix.
We made our way back home. He had a smiled the whole time. He was perfect. The baby started kicking. And it scared me. Which scared Remington.

"Sorry. He decided to kick me." I rubbed my tummy, hoping it would calm him down.
"Hey Remington, why did you not release that song you were going to?" I looked out the window. "Because... the time wasn't right. I think I'll keep it to myself and then when the album drops they'll just have to figure it out." I laughed.

Soon we were home and it was a Harry Potter movie marathon. Remington gave me his Slytherin hoodie and we chilled out on the couch. He rubbed my tummy and cuddled me the entire time. I don't remember falling asleep.

Next Day

We were driving to the mall to shop for Oliver. The happiness finally hit me all the way and I just couldn't stop smiling.

"Hey Bella. What if, just an idea, we did the nursery and stuff in like a pale Winnie the Pooh theme? It was just a big role in my childhood and we both like Disney. I don't know." I smiled. "Sure. I was gonna go with a genetic something random. I think that's a great idea." I smiled at him. "Wait, really?!"
"Mhmm." We arrived at the mall.

It was emptier than usual but it was also a Thursday. We held hands and went through many different stores. We went to hot topic last. There was a couple fans in there but they didn't really notice me, which I didn't mind. We left and went to the Subway food court.

"I know you've been craving a meatball sub come on." He took my hand and lead me. We watched as they made the meatball subs and we grabbed chips. We got the same order.
Meatball sub, red Doritos, a drink, and a cookie. The cashier was also pregnant.

"How far along?" She asked me. "3 months." I smiled as I looked at my stomach. "Awe really? I'm 4 months. This is my second. You?" I nodded. "Yes. This is my first." She smiled and we went and ate our food. She came to us after we ate. "Here's my number. If you need help, a resource, or even someone to talk to, you can." I smiled.

We left and went home. I was once again too tired to do anything so Remington cuddled me and we got a 2 hour nap. I woke up to him opening and closing dresser drawers.
"Rem?" He looked at me. "Yes Bella?" "Where are you going?"
"The studio, they called me last minute."
"Can I come?"
"Yes. I'd be more comfortable."
He took my hand and helped me get up slowly. I brush my hair and Remington helped me put my shoes on.

We met his brothers and Andrew and their producer, Chris, at the studio. I'd never met Chris before.
"Hey! Bella right? I've heard a lot of things about you." Emerson perked up from his phone. He ran and hugged me. They entered the recording booth and I started messing around with the guitars.

I found an electric one. I looked on the back of it, indeed it was still there. A sticky note. The smeared ink.

My dearest Remington,
We've been through a lot but this is my graduation gift for you. I hope you enjoy it. I know you said you wanted one. I got you this emerald green with the Harry Potter skull mark (I've forgotten what you said it was called) I'm leaving this town. See you again. ~Bella =^•^=

I cringed at my 18 year old handwriting. But I started crying happy tears.

I entered the pawn shop. I didn't have money but I didn't want to let Remington down. I looked around and saw an emerald electric guitar. It's shape was rough but maybe I could get my brother to fix it.

I wrote a note and taped it to the back of the guitar. I made my own sticker of the...
?deathly hallows? Symbol.

I cried because I didn't want to leave him but I had to. I couldn't bare him going on with out me. I really loved him and I couldn't do it. I laid it on his front porch and knocked. I ran off so he didn't see me. I couldn't say goodbye.

Flashback end

"Bella?!" It was Remington. I snapped out. "Hey you okay?" I nodded. "Yes. But why do you still have this?" I pulled the guitar back out. He blushed and pushed my hand to where the guitar was hidden again. "Because. It is. I never played it, maybe a handful of times, but it reminded me of you and I'd cry. Just. I don't wanna talk about. I will cry again." I hugged him.
"You're everything Bella."

HIM 🖤 (a Remington Leith fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now