Oliver Grey Leith

185 14 5

November 14th
3:23 am

I was restless all night. All I did was toss and turn. I was made because Remington could sleep. That's all I wanted to do. Oliver was so feisty and I couldn't calm him down. I took a couple pain pills but nothing was working. That's when I felt myself peeing the bed. But it was pee. It was water. My water had broke. I looked at the clock.


Of course it was. I shook Remington awake. I felt so bad. "Remi. Please. My water broke. I can't get up." He jumped awake and grabbed the hospital bag and his old baby blanket. Why? I shrugged and he threw the bag on his shoulder and grabbed me as we went to the car.

"What time is it?" Remington yawned. He helped me get buckled. At this point I didn't care if I was buckled or not. I was moaning in pain, trying not to scream. He held my hand the whole way and he turned the emergency flashers on so people would let us by. Luckily there wasn't many people.

We entered the hospital with Remington carrying me and they took me immediately and called Maria in. Poor Remington looked so scared. He was holding onto his baby blanket as they got everything ready for me.

"He couldn't wait until at least 6am?" Maria laughed. Her jokes always made me feel a little relieved. I smiled as she put the armbands on me and Remington. She gave me some water and tried to get me relaxed.

A couple hours went by and I finally hit 5 centimeters. Remington was by my side no matter what. "Bella I'll be right back. I have to use the bathroom. Here." He handed me my stuffed sloth and kissed my forehead and laid his blanket on me. I heard a knock and it was Stephanie and Emerson.

"You can't do this without your mother figure and best friend." Emerson said and he hugged me but I started contracting and screaming again.

"Sorry. I'm glad you guys came. You didn't have to." I said looking at them. "Where's Remington?" Emerson looked around. "Bathroom." I looked at Stephanie. "Hey mama, I'm scared." She sat down in a chair and grabbed my hand.

"I was scared too. Especially with Sebastian, he was my first. I thought I wasn't going to make it through. I felt everything spinning and everyone surrounding me. By the time I had Emerson, I learned that I just needed to breathe, and follow everything. How far are you?" I smiled. She was so comforting to me. "Last they check was 5 but I'm not sure about now, that was about 30 minutes ago."

She smiled at Remington's blanket on me. "He still has this? Gosh. I remember getting that for him." She and Emerson laughed as Remington came back out. "Hey mom!" He hugged her and Emerson hugged him from behind. Maria came in to check how far I was.

"Oh it's getting quick. You're at 8 now. We need to get you to the other room. Dad?" He seemed to almost flinch at those words. But he smiled and followed us to the delivery room. Stephanie and Emerson were told to go to the waiting room.

Before I knew it they had my legs propped up and telling me to push. I remembered what Stephanie said and I was taking deep breaths. Slowly in and out.

Remington was letting me squeeze his hand as hard as I could. Soon I started feeling relief as sweet Oliver was coming out. Even though it was pain it was a miracle. It was everything. I pushed a couple more times until I heard his cries as they took him back to get cleaned. I finally let go of Remington's hand and almost collapsed asleep.

I woke up in a different room with Remington on my left side and Stephanie on my right. Emerson was drawing in the corner of the room.

"Hey Bella. They're about to bring him in. You want some water?" Stephanie grabbed me the tiny cup of water with a bendy straw. I was happy and tired; exhausted even. Happy and tired tears come down and I sighed through my words and looked at Remington. "I-I just wan- want food." He laughed with me. Emerson noticed I was finally awake.

"Hey Bella!" I waved. I looked up at Remington again. "Yes baby?" He giggled because I was making my pouty face. I stuck my lips out so he would kiss me. He laughed and kissed me. "Hey! Emerson your birthday is soon ain't it?" He nodded. "The 22nd."

The migraine I had finally hit my realization. A nurse came in with Oliver. She handed him to Remington. "Here, while I get mom settled." She smiled at me. "You want anything to eat?" I nodded and looked at the IVs in me. I sighed and as she gave me some graham crackers and sprite. "Thank you." She left and we were all at peace. Maria came in.

"So it turns out he is premature but he is healthy to go home tomorrow. He's already a sweetheart. They only thing I'm worried about is you Bella. You're gonna need tons of rest." So no bad news? Wow.
"I'd recommend for the first couple months to let him sleep in your room and then move him down to his own. A lot of parents just go and keep them in there till they're two or they just go and out a newborn in a crib. It's bugs me. Here's some paperwork that can help with stuff. It's good to see you guys again. You can leave tomorrow. For now, get some rest. They shouldn't bug you for a couple hours. You have my number. Text me whenever if you need anything okay?" I smiled as she left.

I looked at Stephanie. "Yes Bella?" "Can you get me a kids meal from McDonald's? I'm hungry but I don't want much." She smiled.
"Yes. Emerson come on. Remington what do you want?" "Same thing is fine." He was too busy playing with Oliver.

"Bella. I think it's your turn." He smiled as he placed Oliver into my arms. He smiled at me. "Oh Oliver." I kissed his head. He smiled at me again. He found a piece of my hair and grabbed it. I tapped his little nose and shifted the blanket that was around him. I looked at Remington. "He's perfect." I smiled at Remington but he was crying.
"Baby what's wrong?" I rubbed his cheek.
"I don't know. I didn't think I'd break. But. He- he." He struggled.
"Yes Remi?" His tears come pouring.
"I just don't want him to have a life like I did. I want to be the person I needed for him. I wish to give him the life my father didn't. I don't want to turn out like my father." I put Oliver in his little basket next to my bed and pulled Remington into a hug.
"You'll never be like that bastard. I promise. You're going to be amazing. Hell, you already are. I love you Remi. You've got this."

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