My Sweetness

188 13 12

One Week Later
Tw- anxiety/self harm/panic episode

I couldn't ask for a better life. If you told me 7 years ago this was my life, I wouldn't believe you. Oliver is such a sweet baby. He's so relaxed considering he's a newborn. He's been sleeping in a bassinet next to our bed at night. Occasionally I fall asleep feeding him in the bed. We had turned the guest room across the hall into the nursery. There was till another one downstairs.

It was currently 4am and he woke up for his bottle. We still hadn't told anyone he was born yet besides family. But I was ready to.

Oliver started whining and I turned on the night light and changed him. I grabbed a blanket Stephanie had made for him and swaddled him up and took him downstairs to make his bottle. Remington was out of it for once.

As I walked into the kitchen I was startled by Emerson because he was getting a snack.
"Holy shit!" We both yelled. "Haha, sorry Bella." He came over and messed with Oliver for a few minutes. "Here, I can hold him while you do that." He took him and went and sat on the couch.

Between everyone, I couldn't decide who loved Oliver the most. I ran some warm water and put the powder in the bottle and shook it up. I added a little bit of banana flavor to it and walked over to the couch. Emerson found one of his rattles stuffed into the couch and was playing with him.

"Can I feed him? I haven't yet." I smiled and handed Emerson the bottle. "Sure. I'll feed myself. I'm starving." I went and grabbed some Nutella and graham crackers. Remington said I'm the only one that can have his Nutella, which is a special kind of love.

"Bella. He's so adorable. I'm kinda jealous." Emerson said with a faint giggle as I made my way back over to the couch with my snack.
It was too adorable watching Emerson play with a baby. I was still so sore from having him but all I've done is rest. It was annoying just laying there.

"Pure gift to world... another creative and wonderful soul put on this awful earth to create a magnificent heaven." Emerson laid the bottle down because Oliver was done. He handed him to me to burp him. "I'm not tryna kill a baby Bella." He laughed.

"Emerson? I've never heard you say awful Earth before." I looked at him and he sighed. "Well, one, it's 4 am and my thoughts are circled around me. Two, well I don't know, but don't you agree?" I did actually. I nodded.

Oliver began to go to sleep now. Emerson went back to bed after he threw my trash away and that was my plan too. I carefully walked up the stairs so I didn't scare Oliver and I quietly opened the door to Remington in the bathroom.

I put Oliver down and laid there for a few minutes. But Remington was in there longer than usual. I didn't care if he was taking a shit or if he was just in there dying his hair at 4am.
Without knocking, I barged in and saw him crying in the corner with his phone on his right on the floor and blood drips coming from him.

I gasped and ran over to him. He tried to hide the blade and pain medications from me. But it was too late. He was sobbing- his knees up to his chest. He couldn't fight whatever it was off. I sat beside him and forced him to lay his head in my lap.

I brushed off the hair that was caught in his tears and sweat. All he could say was "don't look at me." "Why are you saving me?" "Why do you love me?"

"Remi. Shhhh. It's okay baby." I brushed my fingers through his hair and grabbed his phone. We had gave each other our passcodes. It wasn't ever an argument just something random one day.

I looked and saw all the hate messages he was getting about some allegations that were NO WHERE close to true. And messages saying "wait till Bella finds out... she'll leave him forever and he'll be mine." Or stuff like
"all we wanna do is destroy your relationship. Go ahead divorce her ass. Y'all ain't even cute."

I clicked on a link and it was a Twitter thread. It said he harassed and raped a girl about 3 years back. I started researching very fast and quickly found that nothing lined up and it was false.

I threw the phone on the counter and helped him clean up. "But that's not the worst Bella. My dad found me again. My ex gave him this address. Now I'm scared." I looked at the pill bottle he had beside him. There was only three left in there.

"Remington? How many did you take?" He shrugged. "As many as my throat would swallow." I sighed. "Baby. I love you. If I would've found you dead I wouldn't have been thrilled. That's not even the words. I would've been heartbroken. No. I don't know. I just." I started crying.

"Let's get you cleaned up okay?" He refused for me to look at his arms. "Remington! Please..." It was everywhere. I grabbed some stuff and sat him on the toilet seat and put his arms in the sink. "It's going to sting okay?" He sighed and bit his lip. I got it all finally down the sink and then I wrapped his arms up.

We laid in the bed and talked it out. "Bella. I'm sorry. I don't know what happened."
"Shhhh Remi, it's alright. Just breathe. Listen to my heartbeat. We can talk about your dad and stuff tomorrow. But just know you're the best thing that's happened to me. I'm glad we ruined our friendship."

"Bella?" He whispered. "Remi?" He smiled. "That song I released, is for you. You're my sweetness." I smiled. "Goodnight Remi. I love you."

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