{ chapter three }

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Chapter three: snow white in the marsh

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Chapter three: snow white in the marsh

•~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~•

By the time Ace made it back to the Château, JJ was already back from work. She had noticed his own—red bike parked on the side of the house as she drove John B's motorbike next to his, taking off her helmet.

Lazily, dragging her feet along the damp ground, she opened the glass door to John B's home, throwing the keys on the kitchen table and collapsing on the couch—face first. The friction burned her bruising cheek.

The green backpack she had stuffed her belongings into was still on her back, which made JJ chuckle when he appeared from John B's bedroom.

"Rough mornin'?" he asked, plopping down on the opposite couch with a joint hanging on the left side of his lips.

"I've had better ones," Ace admitted, her voice muffled by the soft material of the pillow.

The blonde thought for a while, trying to recollect what made him happy whenever his mornings were shitty. He could come up with three things, but only one of them was available at the moment...or maybe two, but the other he wasn't even going to suggest. "Want some weed?"

"Not right now, but thanks."

"Well, guess what I heard?" he quizzed the girl, unintentionally letting his gaze fall onto her slightly exposed ass. It wasn't like he could resist it. It was just...there. Granted, it wasn't even showing that much—just a sneak peek. But that was enough to make him lick his lips and his mind wander.

"What?" Ace asked, unenthusiastically.

"Apparently, Agatha is coming for a visit." He played with his lighter, not lighting the blunt that hung lazily on his lips. That was a weird habit of his.

"Who's Agatha? You're girlfriend?" Ace teased.

"Funny." JJ threw a pillow at the girl.

"Fuck you," she singsonged.

"Please do," he sang in the same tune, making her groan and finally raise her face from the pillow. She wished she hadn't upon witnessing the smile on his lips drop immediately.

"What's that on your face?" he asked, voice growing serious, laced with multiple layers of worry.

"Wha- oh. That."

"Yes. That. What happened?" JJ got up, walking over to the girl as she sat up straight. Her palms were resting between her legs, holding onto the couch while she swayed her legs.

"I went home," she whispered dryly, making the boy widen his eyes.

"You what?"

"Look, it's nothing. It's just a small bruise. It barely even hurts anymore," she lied through her teeth, ignoring the small sting that radiated around her face.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 - 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now