{ chapter ten }

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Chapter ten: DCS, open up

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Chapter ten: DCS, open up

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Ace had been sleeping on John B's couch for the past three years, but she didn't think she could ever get used to the rooster. The girl had always been a big fan of it, and when she was younger, she had named it Egg. But it was also the cause of her waking up grumpy every single morning.

"John B, I swear one day I'm gonna kill that rooster." Ace grumbled as she rubbed her eyes with her palms. She waited for a response that never came, making her confused.

Ace turned her head to the other side of the room, seeing that the couch JJ usually slept on was empty. She frowned, assuming she was alone.

The girl lowered the shirt that had risen up right below her breasts and got up lazily, walking over to John B's fridge, which was practically empty—minus the beer bottles and a packet of graded cheese.

Her stomach growled loudly as she scouted the kitchen for something to eat, still in the Outer Banks t-shirt she had stored in the HMS Pogue's cargo hold.

Ace was relatively short, endlessly struggling to reach John B's cabinets, but she was living with two boys under her roof on the daily, which meant she had to become creative if she wanted to survive.

She perched herself on top of the kitchen counter, standing on it as she scanned the contents of the cabinet, being met with a whole lot of emptyness, dust, and a single packet of cheerios. The girl shrugged, jumping down with the cereal box in hand. But as soon as she turned around, ready to place it on the table, she was met with someone's warm chest.

"Jesus!" She held her fist out, eyes closed while wincing. She heard a smack, her fist colliding with JJ's wet upper body. He had just marched out of the shower.

Huffing in pain, she moved her wrist around in a circular motion while placing the cereal on the counter, cursing at herself for having such a dumb response to something that happened so regularly. JJ scaring her.

"Relax, Ace. If you wanted an excuse to touch me that badly, you coulda just asked for it." The boy smirked before frowning, seeing how she had gotten hurt from the punch.

"Why the fuck would you just show up like that?" Ace shot back, returning to the cabinets to get two bowls, automatically thinking about pouring breakfast for the boy in front of her as well.

"Well, pardon me for walking around. It's not like I've lived here since the fifth grade or anything." He gently pushed Ace aside, opening the fridge and taking out a bottle of beer. He took a large jug from it before leaning on the counter.

The girl sighed in defeat, placing two blue ceramic bowls on the small kitchen island and pouring the cereal into them. John B never had any milk—or any other expiring products for that matter, since the Château lost electricity a lot and they typically ate somewhere else. Normally Kie would just bring them leftovers from The Wreck.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 - 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now