{ chapter nineteen }

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Chapter nineteen: thanks for the show

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Chapter nineteen: thanks for the show

•~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~•

In the morning Ace had been awoken by the sound of John B groaning. As she had suspected—he had fallen to the ground, probably pushed by Kiara or Pope due to the serious lack of space on the swing.

The girl had turned around in JJ's arms, which was fine if you left it at that. But she had ended up turning into a little spoon when JJ grabbed her waist, sleeping with his head in her messy morning hair.

"You sleep well, John B?" Ace laughed while rubbing her eyes. She slept better than she had in weeks, possibly because JJ's arms had been clasped around her middle.

"No, but you two clearly did." The brunette boy got up from the ground, holding his back in pain as he raised his brows at the two.

Ace rolled her eyes, about to close them back up when she heard more groaning.

Kie and Pope had been snapped awake by the voices of Ace and John B, now yawning and looking at each other. They both had plenty of space to sleep after the third party was gone. The third party being John B.

"Thanks for pushing me off the swing, Kie." JB sarcastically expressed his gratitude, showing off the bruise on his bare back.

JJ was now the only one who wasn't awake. He had always been the one who would show up late to school because he slept in, not understanding the basic concept of an alarm clock.

"Get up JJ. We gotta go." Ace tried to wake him up by poking his cheek, but all he did was mumble something inaudible and pull her closer to his body.

The girl grimaced when she saw the looks their friends were sending them. She didn't understand why it was suddenly such a big deal to them. It's not like JJ and her had never shared a bed before.

By the time the rest of the teens were up and ready to go, making their way inside the Château to get ready, JJ was still clinging onto Ace like a koala.

The girl refused to believe he was still asleep, so she turned around in his tight hold, which ended up being more of a struggle than she had thought.

When she finally managed to turn around, the top of her shirt had rolled down slightly, exposing her collar bone and the top of her breasts, which she didn't get the chance to cover.

The boy opened one of his eyes and froze, the view in front of him being something entirely different than he had expected.

She did have a bikini top underneath, but it was the same basic concept. JJ had woken up with a girl's boobs in front of his face, and he would gladly admit that it wasn't the worst view to wake up to.

"Thanks for the show, Ace. I gotta say...this was unexpected." The boy licked his bottom lip as he couldn't drag his eyes away.

The girl's face turned to one of pure wrath as she stared at the boy's face. And as soon as he looked up to meet those blue eyes of hers, he knew that was the day he died.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 - 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now