{ chapter six }

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[ just pretend ace is in this picture ]

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[ just pretend ace is in this picture ]

Chapter six: total and complete amnesia

•~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~•

The HMS pogue was drifting down the littered marsh once again, pushing through the plastic bottles and pieces of construction material that had been flown around after hurricane Agatha had trashed through the Outer Banks.

"Could've warned us a little sooner." JJ lied on his side next to Ace on the bow. They were both a little shaken up by the situation that had occurred at the motel, but it was a good kind of feeling. Like they had accomplished something important. Maybe a little illegal, but important.

"We would've...except Pope was on the math team," Kie heaved a sigh, sitting on the edge of the boat.

"You were on the math team?" JJ questioned, confused since they had gone to the same school since the first grade.

"Why am I not surprised?" Ace chuckled warmly, sitting up from her position.

Pope shot them a look, changing the topic swiftly. "The cops took everything like it was a crime scene."

"Maybe it was." Ace hummed mysteriously, waving her hands around to creep Pope out.

"Did you guys find anything?" He shooed Aspen's hands away, making her stiffen a giggle.

JJ was also in a sitting position now, a proud smirk on his lips as he shot Ace a knowing look. "Did we find anything? No, I don't think so- oh yeah, we did."
He held his arms up, a gun in his left hand and a stack of cash in his right, causing gasps to erupt from the other teens.

"Wanna see my loot?" Ace smirked, taking the money out from her bra. JJ's eyes widened into the sizes of plates.

"Depends on what kind of loot." He kept his eyes on the upper part of the girl's body, making her slap his arm.

"Not that kind of loot, asshole!" she snorted, holding up the three stacks of money she had stolen from the safe, stashed safely in her bikini bra.

"What the hell?" Pope gasped so hard his vocal chords were momentarily damaged and his voice was weak.

"Guys, what?" Kie joined in, looking at Ace and JJ with disappointment.

"Why would you take that from a crime scene?" Pope panicked. He was already pacing around the HMS in despair, the tention in the air growing thicker as they all silently judged the two juveniles.

"Well, it's better than the cops having it," Ace yelled, defending both herself, and the blonde boy.

"Are you serious?" Kie scoffed, staring at John B, who was well aware of the fact that he was supposed to make sure the two didn't do anything too stupid. Somehow, in the whirlwind of everything, he hadn't even paid attention to the money they had stolen. And somehow, he was actually glad that they did.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 - 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now