{ chapter twenty two }

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[ just pretend ace is in this picture ]

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[ just pretend ace is in this picture ]

Chapter twenty two: dumb, dumber and the dumbest

more violence than in the show

•~~~~~~~ ☼~~~~~~~•

The three teens were frozen as they watched the Kooks walk towards them from the other side of the screen.

"What's up Pogues? Rafe whistled.

Pope and JJ began to back away from the situation, Ace standing still.

"Oh hey, it's dumb, dumber and the dumbest."
Ace mocked, pointing at the three Kooks who were beginning to corner them.

"Ace, now is not the time." Pope tried, but changed his mind as soon as Rafe took a hold of the girl, keeping her in a headlock.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her, Rafe."
JJ stepped forward, ready to charge after Rafe as soon as he got the chance.

"Relax, JJ. I'm just borrowing her for a minute. You're little slut and I need to have a little chat." Rafe traced his finger along Aspen's jaw, which was already clenched.

JJ's hands were balled into fists, his knuckles turning white as he watched the Kook carefully, sending warning glares his way. Under any other circumstances, he would've already attacked him and choked the life out of him, but he was holding Ace in a very dangerous position, and one could never know what Rafe Cameron was going to do.

"Why so tense, princess?" He puckered his lips, pulling the girl's brown hair to make her look up at him.

"Go fuck yourself." Ace spat, elbowing his side painfully and yanking herself out of his grip.

Rafe groaned, a small chuckle leaving his lips while Ace backed away from him until bumping into JJ's chest.

He immediately pushed her behind his back.

The Cameron boy chuckled lowly. "Wow, I didn't actually expect you two to be screwing around. Although I guess I shouldn't be surprised, knowing your parents." He looked into Aspen's eyes, which were full of hatred.

The boy thought for a while. "You know, Aspen? You actually remind me so much of your dad."

The girl's jaw clenched, her hands immediately balling into fists. Rafe knew bringing up her father would be the perfect way to get under her skin.

"Yeah. Try breathin' in a couple lines and you'll be just like him in no time. I'm sure you get that stuff for free, right? Living under a drug dealer's roof. Tell your dad I said hi." He clearly wasn't aware that Aspen didn't live at home anymore.

That was enough for JJ. He knew how difficult her situation was with her father, and Rafe was only making it worse.

"What the fuck did you just say to her?"

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 - 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now