{ chapter eleven }

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Chapter eleven: a death compass

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Chapter eleven: a death compass


The moment their grey, worn down twinkie van had rolled up into the Château, the teens felt like they could breathe a little easier again. The silence inside the car had been unbearable, especially since it happened so rarely.

Kie and Pope had been waiting for the three to show up, standing up to meet them as they made their way to John B's house.

Now they were all sitting on the porch, listening to JJ's interpretation of their little adventure.

"And then we were right outside, like this." JJ backed up against the back of the brick chimney that was sticking out of the wall. "And all we hear is just, Bam, Bam, Bam!" JJ threw his fist in the air every time the word 'bam' left his mouth.

"Knocking paint off the wall, G! From the inside." He glided his hand against the wall of the Château.

"And I'm just looking at them like...wait-" He cut his rambling off, taking steps towards the teens. "First off, look at this shit."

JJ ruffled his hands through his shaggy hair, watching as the paint chips sprinkled down through the floorboards of the porch.

Ace, who was sitting on the armrest of the green sofa, scrunched her nose up. Pope was sitting next to her, lifting his legs up onto the couch in order to protect his shoes from the falling paint particles.

"That's dandruff, disgusting." Kie shook her head from her spot. She was sitting in a green rattan armchair as John B stood behind her, leaning his hands on the back of the chair.

"Okay, thank you." Pope pushed the boy's head away from him, scooting closer to Ace.

"Look at all that, all right. That's paint." JJ stood back up, panting heavily after his performance as he pointed at the white flakes on the floor. His hair was now even wilder than usual.

"At that point, I was just like..." He looked out into the distance, imagining the Grubbs' residence in front of him. "I'm waiting for death."

"Oh, okay so you saw the guys that shot at us, right?" Pope held his cap, trying to make sense of the whole thing. JJ's re-enactment of that day's events had been very overwhelming to follow.

"Yeah." He breathed out, walking around the porch.

"Did you get a good description of them? What did they look like?" Pope turned his head towards Ace and John B, who both shrugged their shoulders nonchalantly.

"Yeah, anything. Anything's helpful." Kie added in, brushing her hair behind her ears.

"Anything we can bring to like a police report maybe?" Pope watched JJ's form expectedly.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 - 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now