{ chapter thirty five }

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Chapter thirty five: I'll be so safe

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Chapter thirty five: I'll be so safe

•~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~•

The next morning, Ace and JJ woke up on the hammock outside the Château, both of their bodies bruised and heavy after the rough night they had.

After getting up from the grass at around 4 am, JJ had proceeded to give Ace a piggyback ride to the hammock, but they both ended up stumbling down and rolling off the hammock painfully.

Not long after, the two teens heard the familiar sound of John B honking the van horn, getting out with Pope to inform they were going to pick Kie and Sarah off the boat they had been trapped on for ten hours.

The sun had barely risen over the horizon when they climbed onto the HMS Pogue, beginning to drive towards Hayward's boat, where the girls were already waiting, sitting on the edge of the deck.

"Uh-oh!" Pope called out to them.

"You forget your keys or something?" John B yelled mockingly.

"You guys need a tow?" Pope continued.

"You gotta admit it was kinda funny." John B chuckled as their boat neared the larger one.

"Glad to see you didn't kill each other overnight." Ace smiled up at them, sitting on the edge of the HMS Pogue with her feet dangling over the edge. She lifted her legs up slightly when they drove over the family of jellyfish.

"John B," Kie scolded, staring him down with an annoyed expression.

"Uh, what's that?" The boy who drove the boat questioned, a smug smile on his face upon noticing the two females obviously did not want each other six feet underground anymore.

"Mastermind, huh?" Kie raised her dark eyebrows.

"I'm always plannin'. " The Routledge boy pushed his hair out of his face.

"Some patriarchal bullshit."

"Yeah, that sucked." Sarah agreed.

"You still love us though, right?" JJ asked with a smile, throwing the rope over to Kie so that she and Sarah could get onto the boat.

"Of course they do, everyone loves us. I don't know about Pope and John B, though." Ace commented wittily.

"Don't flatter yourselves, we're both gonna get you back when you least expect it." The Cameron girl crossed her arms sassily.

"Watch your back, guys." Kiara added.

"Well, I for one, welcome that challenge." Pope shrugged, not really caring about the playful threat.

"Me too," JJ added.

"Yeah, bring it on girls." Ace shot the two with finger guns.

"So...did you guys, you know..." Pope fiddled with his fingers, trying to find the correct way to ask the question.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 - 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now