{ chapter thirty four }

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Chapter thirty four: intoxicating

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Chapter thirty four: intoxicating

•~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~•

After getting back from abandoning the two girls on Hayward's boat for the night, the rest of the evening had flown by quickly. Pope had returned home to his parents, while John B had gone back to the Cameron residence, leaving Aspen and JJ alone at the Château.

The blonde had been snoring quietly on his couch while Aspen continued tossing and turning on hers, unable to sleep for an unknown reason. She guessed she just had a lot on her mind. The things with her dad, where she would end up if something were to happen to him and all the stuff with the gold. Basically—her head was a mess, and she needed to clear it out.

She got up, throwing on one of JJ's hoodies that was abandoned on the floor next to the couch, before pushing her way out the back door quietly as to not wake the peaceful boy up.

Aspen took a deep breath in, smelling the fresh summer air while walking over to the dock and sitting down with a small sigh escaping her lips.

The cicadas were chirping gently in the darkness of the night. The moon was shining brightly behind the clouds and the stars twinkled in the dark blue sky. The water was dead calm. Not a wave in sight as Aspen sat at the dock of the Château with her bare feet dangling just above the surface of the water.

Her entire being was so calm, she didn't even flinch when she heard the boards of the dock creek behind her and felt the presence of someone sitting down on the railing next to her.

She only tore her eyes away from the skyline when she heard the familiar sound of JJ's lighter turning on and off as he fiddled with it in between his fingers.

"I thought you were asleep." She softly smiled.

He had a joint hanging lazily between his lips as he brought the lighter up to his face and lit the drug, inhaling and exhaling a controlled puff of smoke.

He didn't say anything. All he did was take the cigar between his fingers and hold it out to the girl below him. She took it, breathing in the toxic substance for a little longer than she should have, before exhaling it into the air with a long sigh as she felt her body relax from the addicting substance.

"Thanks." Was all she said before passing it back to the boy. "You were right." She chuckled, her eyebrows shooting upwards. "That's strong shit."

"Told you."

"...Can't sleep?" He softly asked while looking out at the stars, taking note of how shiny they were that night.

"Mmm." She mumbled back. "I guess I just have a lot of things on my mind...like the stuff with my dad."

The two sat in silence for a while before he found the courage to speak. He didn't want to bring up the day he had broken the girl out of her own childhood bedroom, but he needed to know what happened that particularly cold afternoon. He couldn't live without knowing.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 - 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now