{ chapter thirty }

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Chapter thirty: i call shotgun!

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Chapter thirty: i call shotgun!

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The following day, all the five teens had found themselves sitting around a table inside The Wreck.

John B had been discharged from St. Olive's earlier than any of them had expected, but finding out he only had a concussion and a broken left wrist left the teens even more confused.

"I'm sorry, you're staying where?" Kiara asked while walking past John B, who was leaning over the counter and examining a small souvenir bottle, filled with sand from the Outer Banks. It was one of those silly things that the Tourons got all hyped up about whenever they walked into a stall on the shore and saw the shelves filled with those.

"Tannyhill." The brunette raised his eyebrows nonchalantly.

"So you're living with Sarah Cameron." Kie scoffed, walking around and piling empty dishes on a tray to bring back to the kitchen for washing.

"Okay, look, the only reason I'm living there is because her dad bailed me out, right?" John B followed the girl with his gaze, finding himself in a situation where he needed to defend his relationship, again.

"And it's way better than foster care, which by the way, is where I was about to go if Ward didn't-"

"Hey, so like, do you have a membership to the clubs now?" Pope interjected.

Him and Ace were both sitting around a round table, Pope's hands resting behind his head while Ace was once again, resting her leg on top of the table. JJ was standing behind the girl, his hands leaning on the back of her chair before he held them out, waiting for Kiara to give him a drink.

"I don't know, Pope." John B shook his head with irritation before struggling to sit down due to his patched up wrist.

"What about those little golf carts they get to drive around? You got one of them?" JJ asked, silently hoping he would get to drive around with one and most likely end up accidentally driving it into the ocean.

"I'm gonna start saving money to buy one of those things." Ace crossed her arms, pushing the table with her right leg to rock back and forth on her chair recklessly.

"When you do get one, please let me take it for a ride." The blonde took a sip of his non-alcoholic beverage inside his recyclable cup.

"Fuck no." The girl scoffed loudly. "You're such a careless driver, I bet you'd crash it in ten minutes."

"Who are you callin' a careless driver? Remember the time when you drove the van into a tree and we needed to get the bumper fixed?" JJ reminded the girl, quirking an eyebrow when she realized that it did, indeed, happen.

"Okay, that was one time! And besides, I'm a much better driver now." Ace defended. "Unlike you who nearly got kicked out of driving school because you showed up high and started flirting with the instructor."

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 - 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now