{ chapter thirty three }

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[ just pretend ace is in this picture ]

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[ just pretend ace is in this picture ]

Chapter thirty three: code red

•~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~•

The evening was just around the corner when all the teens, minus Kiara and John B were hustling on Hayward's boat to prepare for the little lie they were going to tell Kie and Sarah.

John B had told them about his plans that same day, and now all they had to do was get Kiara and Sarah on the same boat to trap them together.

The plan wasn't easy, but they were hell-bent on making it work, ready to go to extremes such as locking the Kook in the hatch of Hayward's boat if they had to.

Pope was leaning on the railing of the boat, while JJ and Ace were both rolling blunts for the girls to smoke. They had thought the least they could do was provide them with a little bit of help incase things got too heated between the two.

When Ace finally finished rolling the joint, she admired it with pride. "My joint is better than yours." She informed the blonde, who was sitting on the roof of the deckhouse with the girl.

"Why? They look the same to me." The boy frowned.

"Mine's still better." Ace shrugged, looking up at the cloudy sky with a cheeky grin.

"Why the fuck is yours better?" JJ was getting competitive, examining his own blunt with confusion.

"Because it's mine." She smiled.

"Screw you. Mine's way cleaner, just look at that shit." He pointed at her blunt with his finger, making fun of how the hollowed out cigar was slightly squished due to her pinching it so hard as to not drop it into the marsh and waste a perfect high. That shit was strong as fuck, and not to be wasted.

"Hey!" The girl slapped JJ's hand, his ugly creation nearly falling from his grip.

They began wrestling each other playfully, both backing away when the other tried to land in a hit.

"I swear I'm gonna kill you, JJ-" Ace giggled.

"Hey, Ace. It's time to go." Pope interrupted their quarrel, seeing John B speeding towards them with Sarah clinging to his side. The plan was set in motion now, and it was Aspen's turn to put her acting skills to the test.

"Yup, yup." She jumped down from the roof, hopping over to the railing and standing on it while waving at the two.

"John B, what are they doing here?" Sarah asked the brunette gently, while eying the passengers on the boat.

"They're just...here. You better get used to it. They always show up everywhere." John B reassured her. It wasn't much of a lie anyway, since they were indeed everywhere, all the time. The Pogues were always doing something together.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 - 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now