{ chapter thirty seven }

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Chapter thirty seven: Porcelain Frog

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Chapter thirty seven: Porcelain Frog

•~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~•

Aspen was behind the wheel, going slightly over the speed limit as she drove the teens over to the pawn shop. Pope had been fearing for his life the entire trip, not trusting the girl without a license at all.

"I knew we shouldn't have let you drive." Pope held onto the back of her seat, terrified they were all going to become roadkill.

"Have a little faith, when was the last time I crashed a car?" Ace chirped. Her other friends, minus JJ of course, didn't share her excitement.

"Uh...does the incident from two months ago count?" Kie furrowed her eyebrows, her eyes nervously scanning the road around them.

"It does." John B nodded.

"Don't listen to them, you're doing fine," JJ chuckled, his hand leaning on the open window-frame. He loved the speed they were going, not understanding why the others were so nervous about it.

"Thank you, JJ. Your opinion is now the only valid one. The rest of them are just white noise." Her foot pressed on the gas pedal a little harder.

"Ace, slow down a bit," John B tried, patting the girl's shoulder gently. If they ran into a police car, they would definitely get pulled over, and even though now they could afford to pay for a ticket, they would still prefer not to.

"Seriously, why are you guys so upset over this?" JJ laughed, his legs resting on the dashboard since he had copped the passenger seat. "You're messin' with my flow, man."

"Your what?" Pope asked him in confusion.

"Just- nevermind. Just shut up." The blonde looked outside again, enjoying the ride, which soon came to a stop as they parked next to the pawn shop. The fine establishment had clearly seen better days.

The four other teens in the back of the van let out long breaths they had been holding while the reckless girl drove, piling out of the vehicle one by one.

Ace pushed the door open, hopping out and throwing the keys over to John B, who caught them skillfully.

"Never let her do that again," Sarah whispered to her boyfriend.

"Never." He shook his head.

"Hell of a job melting it down, Dr. Frankenstein," JJ mocked Kiara while taking the melted pile of gold out of a towel they had wrapped around it.

"Like you could've done any better," she scoffed.

"I could've done much better. I took a welding class," he shot back.

"Well then maybe you should've done that, instead of sitting around and flirting with Ace the whole time," Pope joined in, his eyebrows raised as he eyed his friends.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 - 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now